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By Doug Creamer


            We have been enjoying getting some delicious treats from our garden. We have enjoyed some green beans, squash, raspberries, and a few blueberries. The squirrels have been eating more blueberries than we have. We need a cold winter to get rid of a few of them. We are anxiously waiting for the tomatoes and corn to come in. We got some corn from a friend the other day and it was wonderful.

            The watermelons have begun to flower and the cucumbers had a late start. The butterbeans had to be replanted because a rabbit got into them. I am not sure I am going to get many, if any, potatoes this year because of all the heavy rain we had early in the season. The weeds are growing well. I will have to get out there and work on them soon. I am already plotting what I want to plant in order to get a fall harvest.

            It’s been a little dry lately, but the forecast is giving us better chances of getting some rain in the next couple of weeks. I am hoping we get some showers because we know that August tends to be hot and dry. Between the animals, rain, and weeds, gardening can be a challenging hobby, but it remains one that I really enjoy.

            One of the things that give us great joy from late May through mid-July are our daylilies. We have quite a collection with the desire to get more. It is amazing to me that God creates such beautiful flowers that only last for one day. Every day from mid-May through mid-July we go out to see what has bloomed.

We both take lots of pictures of the beautiful flowers God created for our enjoyment. I am so glad we live in a digital age where we can take lots of pictures and aren’t limited by the cost of film. Sometimes I secretly wonder if God walks through the daylily beds and enjoys seeing all the flowers too. I hope He does.

God is such a creative being He must take time to enjoy the beauty He makes. The other day a shower passed to our east and the sun hit the falling rain just right to create a beautiful rainbow. I came out of the grocery store a few weeks ago to a double rainbow. I sure hope God enjoyed seeing it as much as I did.

The last couple of weeks I have seen some stunning sunrise and sunset pictures on Facebook. All the dust from the Sahara has created some beautiful sights. I saw some thunderstorms go by over the last couple weeks and watched the lightning dance around in the clouds. I hope God enjoys these sights.

            Maybe I should wonder if we are enjoying His creation as much as He is. When you bite into a fresh, juicy peach and the juice runs down your chin, do you praise Him? When you smell the bacon frying, slice your garden-grown tomato, and make that delicious BLT, do you give Him thanks? When you smell and taste a fresh cucumber or take your first bite of cobbler that was made from fresh fruit, do you remember Him who gave it to you?

            When you see the flowers blooming around your home, does it cause you to remember the beauty of His grace? Have you ever stood in the shade under a big tree, enjoying a cool breeze off a thunderstorm on a warm summer day? Have ever enjoyed a slice of cold watermelon during the dog days of summer? Can you imagine Jesus sitting with you, laughing and enjoying it too?

            God has created a beautiful world that surrounds us. I am afraid people get so busy or wrapped up in what is going on in their lives that they fail to notice God’s beautiful creation. There are so many reminders around us of His goodness, faithfulness, kindness, and love. We are so distracted that we don’t take a moment to stop and thank Him, to express our appreciation for all He has done for us. He takes good care of us and deserves our thanks.

            I want to encourage you to stop for just a minute and look around. There are so many things surrounding you that God has blessed you with. Consider your home, your family, pets, flowers, vegetables, His provision… I hope I am giving you a good start. God really does look after us and gives us so much. In these trying times, we need to nurture a heart filled with gratitude. This is the day He has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or