Going Through

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By Doug Creamer

            Do you believe in miracles? I do. I have seen them firsthand. A miracle in my book is when something happens that can only be explained by God’s intervention. We see something as impossible but God shows us that He is still doing the impossible. I believe that miracles are happening all around us every day as a direct answer to prayer.

            You will never be able to convince me that God can’t change a situation and turn things around. The Bible is full of stories of God’s intervention and I know too many stories of my own. God is a good Father and He is still active in our lives.

            I firmly believe God is still in the miracle business. Sometimes, however, He will not intervene because He wants to walk with us THROUGH a situation. The end result will be the same…the situation will be resolved, but when God walks us through the fire He wants to reveal a part of Himself to us.

            We rarely learn new things about God on the mountain top. It’s in the valley that we learn to trust Him. Going through a process will teach us more about His character, His faithfulness to us. He promised to never leave or forsake us. He wants us to know that He keeps His promises to see us through to the other side.

            Personally, I would rather see the miraculous, but God sometimes prefers that I press in to know Him as I walk through the trials and tribulations. God wants me to know Him better so He will allow some things that I would prefer not to go through in order to draw me closer to Himself. He is my sustainer, my ever present help in time of need.

            The disciples learned this firsthand when they got into the boat with Jesus. He told them to go to the other side and promptly fell asleep in the boat. He intended for them to get to the other side but a wild storm tried to stop them. These were experienced fishermen who had experienced plenty of storms in their lives; why did they panic in the middle of this one? Jesus told them they were going to the other side…and they made it in spite of the storm.  

            Joseph, Abraham’s son, faced a long journey to fulfill his purpose. Joseph’s brothers sold him to traveling merchants, who in turn sold him to Potiphar. Is that God’s path to leadership through serving others? Then Joseph endured the false accusation of Potiphar’s wife, which landed him in a dungeon. He spent multiple years serving faithfully in that dungeon before God opened the doors to fulfill His purpose.

            Joseph had to learn that God takes us through things that we don’t understand so we can learn more about Him. He spent thirteen years in servitude before rising to power, where he was still serving Pharaoh. Joseph had to learn to use his talents, skills, and abilities where God placed him to prepare him for the huge job of saving many people through the famine. I am sure there were times that Joseph cried out to God for deliverance, but then he got up and worked hard and showed great integrity.

            The Bible tells us that God caused His favor to shine on Joseph during those thirteen hard years. Joseph’s integrity and hard work plus God’s favor allowed Joseph to rise through the ranks at Potiphar’s house and in the dungeon to be the one in charge. He served where God placed him, which prepared him to serve God in saving so many people.

            We don’t always get to understand God’s purposes, plans, or His ways, but we can trust Him with our lives. He sees us every hour of every day. He knows our wants and needs. He is our great defender. We can trust Him as we go through the fiery trials and temptations. He will stand with us. He will come through for us. We can depend upon Him. He is always faithful. He loves us.

            I want to encourage you to put your trust in God. Whatever you are facing, I promise God sees you and He is walking with you through the process. Press into Him as you go through it with Him. You are not alone. Find a few close brothers or sisters who can stand with you and help you to stand as you go through your process. Never doubt God’s love for you. I believe He is building a story of His faithfulness through you.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com