Guns and Hammers

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By Lynna Clark

Did I mention that I had surgery? Wanta see my scar? Yesterday marked a week after the main event and I decided to celebrate by going to Lowe’s. Suddenly, after being cooped up a while during beautiful weather, mulch sounded very exciting. Shortly after arriving, I had a near death experience in the restroom. I had to be air lifted back home… or was that a plant cart hauling me back to the truck? I really need a sarcasm font. All I know is that the strength I was so sure of was quickly sapped and replaced with near panic.

Nehemiah 4 continues the story of the workers, their frustration, weariness, fear, and overall lack of strength. There’s a lot to love about Scripture. One thing I love is that it doesn’t gloss over reality. These people had worked until they were too tired to think. Then they got wind that they may be attacked, and not just in a verbally abusive kind of way. They literally had to have tools in one belt and weapons in the other. Can you imagine? We helped our youngest daughter and her husband some as they built their house. I cannot even think of how weary we would’ve been if we not only had this huge project in front of us, but also had to be on the lookout for angry neighbors who might take a shot at us. [Not to mention how bad we all needed baths.]

Verses 21-23 finishes the chapter by saying they “worked early and late, from sunrise to sunset….“ Always on guard; and none of them ever took off their clothes. Don’t you know those were some nasty weary Hebrews?
So on to the prayer for today.

Dear Lord of Heaven, thank You for understanding the reality of where we live. You know we get tired. Strengthen us against weariness. Strengthen us to do Your work. Strengthen us with wisdom to know what is worth putting every effort into, and what is worth giving up, so that we are not spread too thin. Protect our families. Help us never give up these loved ones You have so sweetly blessed us with, in order to meet the expectations of others. Remind us often of what is important to You. Give us clear thinking and strength to honor You. Help us do everything we can, but nothing we shouldn’t. And make our efforts successful!

More: Galatians 6:4-10 Psalm 90:15-17