He Will Be There

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By Doug Creamer

            I went to two funerals in the last week. Two members of our congregation laid their mothers to rest. I can’t imagine what they are feeling or the loss that they must endure. It seems a small price to pay to go and stand with them in their moment of sorrow. I never know what to say and only hope that my presence lets them know that they are not alone.

            Funerals, or what I prefer to call them, the celebrations of life, are traditions that help us say good-bye to loved ones. It is interesting to hear how someone sums up a person’s life. I like it when the speakers inject some humor into their remembrance. We all do things that are funny and I believe the dearly departed would want us to share a laugh.

Going to funerals reminds me of the preciousness of life. It reminds me that I need to enjoy each moment that I am blessed to share with family and friends. It reminds me to be thankful that everyone in my family is healthy at the moment. It reminds me of something my brother works hard to do at gatherings. He tries to create good memories so later he has something good to remember.

Two other friends have gone through the loss of their mothers in the last year. Each has told me stories of all that has to happen after the funerals and the friends have all gone home. Even when there is a will, there is a mess that must be cleaned up. There is filing all the proper paperwork, cleaning out the house, repairing the house and getting it ready to go on the market, and the list goes on.

            One of the things that struck me as I listened to these two men share their stories is how important family is during these times. They talked about how siblings came together to be there for each other. I am thankful that my siblings are always there for each other. We all lead very busy lives, but if one of us was in need we all would be there to help. We are hardworking, caring people. We do love to tease each other, but when the chips are down, we are family and we are there for each other.

            I know that everyone is not that blessed. There are many who feel that they are left to walk through things alone. It doesn’t have to be big events, it can be those daily struggles and they feel that they are all alone. They don’t have the support or encouragement that they need to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

            When we choose to walk with God, we are never going to be alone again. God promises us that He will NEVER leave us or forsake us. When we invite Jesus into our lives, His spirit comes in and lives within us. That’s why I can tell you with confidence that we will never walk alone again, if we invite Him into our lives.

            The God who made whole universe, who knows everything there is to know about you, wants to come and live in you. True, it may not be the best house in the world, but God is awesome at doing home makeovers. If you will work with Him, He’ll make your life into a beautiful testimony to His great love.

            There are so many benefits to inviting God into your life, including that you will never be alone again. He’ll walk with you. He’ll let you lean on Him. Most importantly, when life really gets rough, He will carry you. I know you can’t see Him with your eyes, but I promise you will feel Him. He will also send you the love and support you need through the family of God.

            If you feel like you are walking the roads of life alone, I want to encourage you to open your heart and your life to Jesus. He promises to stay beside you and to walk with you all the way through life until your body is laid to rest and your spirit goes home to be with Him. I look forward to the time when it will be my turn to go home, but in the meantime, I know that every hour of every day I will never walk alone. God is with me. God is with you, if you have invited Him into your life. If you haven’t, open the doors of your heart and let His love in so you too will never feel alone again.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com