Honey I Sold the Kids

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By Lynna Clark

Chapter 5 of Nehemiah tells the plight of those in debt so heavy that they had to sell their children. Let that thought sink in a little. Can you fathom selling your own children? I can’t imagine ever being so desperate, although I’ve met some children that would make that option attractive.

These poor folks were working as hard as they could, with no end in sight, no hope, no future. We think our economy is bad. I am certainly not making light of where you are. Our family has been through some stuff. All the Larry Burkett and Dave Ramsey courses in the world could not rescue us from financial trials when God is in them. Sometimes we have to come to the end of our own plans in order to recognize that the Lord really does know what is best for our family, including our finances.

The gist of the story in chapter 5 is that the uptown crowd continued to make more than they needed off those who were already poor. Nehemiah appealed to them to do right by their neighbors by reaching out and giving them a hand. Has anyone ever done that for you? It happens to us all the time. God reaches down and takes care of all we need day after day. Many times it is through the generosity of our brothers and sisters in Christ. And you know what it makes us want? We want to give, give, give! Suddenly there is nothing out there more important than what God wants us to invest in. No house, no toy, nothing. What joy! So the prayer for today is that each of us will be wise financially, and that even our finances will be used to the very best for His glory.

Dear God please strengthen us with true Godly wisdom, as in what can we do to honor You with our gifts. Help us to say with King David, when he was looking for a place to build an altar, “I will not sacrifice to the Lord, that which costs me nothing.” -2 Sam. 24:24

Help us take an honest look at all the stuff we have, and see it the exact same way You do. Then we can say with Jesus, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done!”

More: 1 Timothy 6:17-19