How Old?

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By Doug Creamer

            I recently celebrated the fifth anniversary of my 55th birthday. For those of you who struggle with math, I just turned sixty. I just went and looked in the mirror…the guy looking back at me doesn’t look sixty. When I was a kid, I thought sixty was old. I do not feel old.

            I understand that there is not as much hair on my head. When I was young I used to have really thick, full hair. My hair has been thin on the top for a long time. Yes, I know that my beard is mostly white, but it has been white for a long time now. I thought it looked distinguished.           Many people say that age is just a number. You are how you feel inside. Well, I feel like I am in my thirties. Those were good years. You are healthy; you are grown up and mature; you are figuring out life. Your debts are balanced and your income is good. Life cruises along…the only trouble was that life cruised along too fast.

            I didn’t think the forties were bad either. I was healthy and strong. I could work hard with an occasional rest. My finances were good and life still felt optimistic. The fifties began a season of changes. We both retired in our fifties which has an impact on our finances. My health offered a few hiccups but remained good overall. I noticed a drag on my endurance but still found that I could work hard.

            The question rattling around in my head as I enter this new decade is “What other changes are waiting for me?”  My doctor is helping me to see that pills will play an important part of the future. Isn’t that exciting! I imagine that there will be more rest breaks when working outside. I can also imagine that I will retire from my part-time job at some point. Beyond that, it is hard to imagine what the future will hold.

            When I consider the future, I am glad that I know the One who holds my future. The truth is, no one really knows what tomorrow will bring. We know that there will be some joyful moments and some that will be challenging and difficult. The latter requires faith in a loving Father. There is nothing coming my way that He won’t see me through.

            I guess if there is something that I have learned in sixty years is that having faith in God has made all the difference for me. We all know how to live through good times. It’s easy, just put life on auto-pilot and enjoy the scenery. The trouble comes when we are traveling through the difficulties in life. How does one navigate those times?

            The answer comes back to that one word: through. When we find ourselves in the middle of difficult times, God can reach down and pull us out. It might be a miracle or some unseen provision. He is a wonderful Father and provider. But often what I have learned is that God shows up at a critical moment in life, and instead of pulling me out of the difficult place He chooses to walk with me through the challenging time.

            God finds great pleasure in revealing Himself to us as the one we can depend upon as we go through the difficulties of life. He wants us to know Him as God our healer. God our provider. God our sustainer. God our defender. God our comforter. God our helper. God our friend. There are many more ways He wants to reveal Himself to us. He wants us to know Him and depend on Him in every circumstance.

            I am convinced of one thing…there is so much I do not know about God. While I consider Him my Savior and friend, His ways are mysterious to me. He is always full of surprises. He is always faithful. He is always there, especially when I fail Him. His love has never given up on me. He is always pursuing me.

            I want to encourage you to walk closer with God and find out who He wants to be for you. He loves you more than you will ever understand. He cares about you and the many challenges you face. He knows everything about you and wants you to know more about Him. No matter how old or young you are He wants to connect with you, walk with you, guide you, help you, and love you. Turn to Him, open your heart and spend the rest of your life getting to know Him better.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or