I Got A Job?

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By Doug Creamer

                Someone asked me the other day if I was enjoying retirement. “Are you kidding me? YES!” He laughed, because he knew I would love it. The truth is, I really do love it. But the fact remains that I am going to have to do something. I need something in my life. I tend to be a creature of habit and routine. It would also be nice to make a little spending money.

                Trying to find the right thing, a part-time job, is challenging. Before I retired, I didn’t know about any opportunities. Since I retired, there are lots things that have become options. I am glad that I didn’t have to be in a big hurry to get something. It has afforded me the opportunity to prayerfully consider what God wants me to do.

                It is my biggest desire to please my Father in heaven. The good news about that is that no matter what I do, God still loves me. I am pleasing in HIs sight. I am His son. I also know that there are things that He wants me to do. Like a good son, I want to be about my Father’s business.

                Some might immediately think that the only place we can be about His business is at church. Granted, there are some very important things that need doing in every church and I plan to do more at mine. But it is my firm belief that not everything God wants us to do revolves entirely around the church.

God wants us to be the salt of the earth. In order to be a preservative, salt, we have to be active in our community. We have to be in places that need His presence. Jesus told His disciples to go and win the lost and to make them into disciples. We have to be out where the lost are to win them. 

I believe sometimes God’s plans includes us doing things outside the four walls of the church. God needs people in every profession to be a light in the dark world. I always felt like I was a missionary teaching in the public schools. So if your job is a plumber, imagine how many non-church people you can bring the light of the gospel to in your job. God needs each of us to bring His light into our workplace.

After seeking the Lord, I believe He has guided me to a new adventure. I just completed the process of becoming an online teacher. Granted, that isn’t a big stretch from being a public school teacher. There is a catch…I will be teaching English to Chinese students. The truth is, I am excited about teaching  the students. They will be younger than I am used to teaching and I will have to be a little more energetic and animated to do a good job. The biggest catch for me is that it will be very early in the morning. I mean long before I am used to getting up. I will adjust and I think it will be fun.

The cool thing is that God is opening a door for me to continue to speak into young lives. It will be different, but God has faith in me. I am excited to get started. I have a few more things to do before I see my first student on the computer screen. This is a whole different way of teaching, hopefully proving this old dog can learn some new tricks.

God has good plans for your life and mine. We don’t always know where the adventure will take us, but we can be sure He will be with us. Will everything be perfect because we are following His plan? No. There will be some bumps along the road, but I know that He will help me along the way.

I believe that some of you are heading down a new road. Maybe yours is a new job, a new house, or maybe a new relationship. Whatever your new experience is, God will be with you. The road may be bumpy and curvy, that only keeps the adventure interesting. He wants us to trust Him and to be ready to share an encouraging word and our faith with those we meet along the way.

I want to encourage you to look at your life and circumstances through God’s eyes. God needs you to shine brightly. Be ready, because sometimes He will move you to a new place where you can let His light shine through you. One thing I know, it never gets boring  with God. Grab ahold of Him, the ride will be a great adventure.  

By Doug Creamer – PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or doug@dougcreamer.com