In a Loop

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By Lynna Clark

Aw man! I missed my opportunity! Yesterday was Ground Hog Day. Not only that but the date was 02.02.2022. How many times will we witness that in a lifetime? One of our favorite movies has Bill Murray and Andie McDowell in Groundhog Day. Just so funny. Poor Bill gets stuck in a loop and wakes to Sonny and Cher singing “I Got You Babe” every. single. morning. Each new day continues like the one before except he can change the outcome. So he tries.

He experiments with piano lessons, robbing a Brinks truck, saving lives, and best of all romance with his lovely and noble co-worker. Each new day he tries different ways to woo her. Sometimes he wins a smile, or a laugh, but more often than not he gets his face slapped. Little by little he falls out of lust and into love. But how can he win her in only one day? For when he awakes the next morning, all is forgotten and he has to start over again. Not only are his mistakes not held against him because nobody remembers them; but he also can’t build on the relationship either. So everyday he wakes with a better plan to start again, to be the best he can be in order to win his lady.

I’m sure you can draw your own spiritual parallels to the story. So one verse seems wise for today.
Psalm 90:12 says “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”
Okay, so one more verse comes to mind. “Forgetting those things which are behind and looking forward to those ahead.” -Phil. 3:13

Everyday is a precious gift. May we learn to offer each one back to the Lord Who gave it.
“Only a minute, but eternity is in it.”