It is Enough

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By Lynna Clark

David made my favorite breakfast this morning. He cubed leftover boiled potatoes and browned them to make home fries. Beside those were scrambled eggs with cheese. As we enjoyed our feast I made yummy noises and commented. “I LOVE Thursdays!

He smiled back at me and said, “I love YOU!”

Next thing I know, I’ve covered my face in my hands and tears are dripping into my eggs. The man is just too good. I’m in so much pain these days that he does everything for me. He knows my heart but I still tried to explain. “It makes me so mad that I can’t do the things I want to… like work in the yard, and cook, and clean. I’ve always enjoyed keeping house and raising kids and working in the school office. Now I’m too weak to do ANYTHING!”

He was quiet but his eyes brimmed over with enough sympathy that I could hear his words. “Honey I can’t do the things I used to either. Neither one of us can do what we DID. So we just do what we DO. We’re in a different stage of life. That doesn’t mean that the things we do now are not important.”

I thought on his words. I guess I’m not the only one who used to be busy from dawn to dusk. The clock went off at 5:15am for so many years that it took forever to get used to NOT getting up at the crack of dawn. Oh I still wake up around then. But now I waddle to the potty then climb back into bed. It’s really not such a terrible life.

But my strength is so small.

I suppose there are very few times in our lives when we have great strength and faith to move mountains. How much do we really need? Maybe that’s why the Lord reminds us that all we really need is a speck… a drop… even as small as a mustard seed. According to His Word, that is enough. He gets the best glory when we rely on His strength anyway.

Today, I have just enough faith to lift feeble hands toward heaven and cry out to my loving Father. “I want to do more Lord. But for now, apparently this is enough. For if I needed more, You would give it.”

To me He whispers this reminder from Psalm 37- “Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and He will help you. Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for Him to act.”

Beloved Reader: May the God of all comfort strengthen you to do what you can. Then rest in His great love and know… It is enough.