It’s Monday

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By Doug Creamer

            When I opened my eyes this morning I thought, “Well, I better get moving, it’s Monday.” I have to admit, I wanted to roll over and keep sleeping. I got myself up and started to get ready. I teach classes online. It’s a great job; I only have to get the top half of me ready. I usually wear sweats and slippers on the bottom and a shirt and tie on top. If my wife sees me dressed like that she gets a good laugh for the day.

            This morning as I started to set up my online classroom, I noticed that the internet wasn’t working. It went out last night but I thought surely it would be working by the morning. I had five classes and I wasn’t going to miss them. My option at this point was to drive to church and teach on my laptop.

            I had to get fully dressed, pack up my things, and drive as quickly as I could to church in hopes that I could make it for my first class. The clock was ticking. I was a few minutes late and the company locked me out of my first class. I wasn’t terribly shocked and thought that I would have more time to set up everything for my next class.

            I logged in and started to set everything up, only to discover that I didn’t have my camera with me. My laptop doesn’t have a camera. I jumped back in the car and drove back home to get the camera and return to the church in time to have my second class of the day. I made it. My classes went smoothly.

            When I finished my classes I was emotionally and mentally drained. I had to run an errand while I was out. My stomach was complaining about when breakfast would arrive. While I was driving I thought to myself what a crazy and stressful way to begin the week. I took a deep breath and decided I wasn’t going to allow one missed class to ruin a good day.

            As I was making my way home I noticed trees and limbs down. A little farther down, I saw utility trucks parked and men working. Then there were cable and AT&T trucks. There were people dragging limbs out to the road. Then I saw a house where a tree had fallen right through the middle of it. A once beautiful two-story home, now demolished.

            I knew we had severe storms in the area the night before, which was why the cable was out. I didn’t know so many other people were dealing with such terrible problems. I saw the man surveying his once beautiful home. My heart sank for him and his family. I heard from a neighbor that there was quite a bit of damage in another neighborhood not too far from mine.

            I sat quietly on my porch this morning having my quiet time. I realized that my little hiccup was nothing compared to what some people were facing on this Monday morning. I prayed for the family that lost their home. Here are some other people I prayed for this morning: some friends who are fighting COVID, some friends who are fighting to keep their marriage alive, all the students and teachers heading back to their classrooms not knowing what kind of year they will have with this virus, the people who are in the path of the tropical storm that was coming ashore, the people living in Afghanistan, some people who have never believed in Jesus as their savior, and others who have walked away from their faith.

            Losing my internet and missing a class seemed so unimportant compared to what others were facing. I texted my pastor about my morning, and he texted back that Psalms 145 was a part of his scripture reading for the day. I read it twice. There was so much there to meditate on. God’s love, His protection, His worthiness to receive our praise, and His abundant provision were just a few of them.

            No matter what kind of day you’ve had, I want to encourage you to remember that God loves you and has His eye on you and your situation. He is with you and He will see you through whatever you face. He loves you profoundly. If you have walked away from Him, He is waiting for your return. He will quiet your fears, take away your doubts, and forgive all your sins and failures. God promises to be with you today, tomorrow, and every day if you will put your faith in Him.

Doug Creamer has a new book at Amazon: EncouragingU: Summer Stories. Contact him at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or