Just Desserts

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By Lynna Clark

“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.” -KJV

The Lord looked happily on as I discovered the banquet. All my favorites were there. Rather loudly I exclaimed, “Wowee! Look at all the food! Did you fix all this? Wait. You didn’t leave a big ol’ mess in the kitchen for me to clean up did you?”

He threw His head back and laughed. He smiled as he teased. “Maybe…”

He turned to pull out my chair beside Him at the head of the table. “Before you sit, let’s put on your robe.” He held out the most beautiful garment I’ve ever seen. As he slipped it over my old clothes I fingered the fabric. So soft and luxurious. Nervously I requested.

“If I’m gonna wear something this nice while I eat, I probably need a bib… or a raincoat.”
Again He laughed and shook His head. When I added, “This is way too nice for the likes of me,” He tipped His head and added.

“Feels like royalty doesn’t it. That’s because you were anointed to be My own daughter so many years ago when you answered My call. It’s finally time for the honor that comes with obedience.”
Quietly I took the seat beside Him. I was stunned when He held my hand and whispered part of a favorite Psalm.

“You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.”

He drew my attention to those that stood on the fringes. They cowered and I knew they were required to be there but they sure didn’t like it. Again he whispered.

“See the one in yellow? His name is Fear. He has plagued you all your life. Often he pulled you back from your purpose. But you forged on.”

He pointed to the one in blue. “He is Insecurity. How many times did you feel worthless as you struggled to serve? That came from him.”

Around the space He went, naming each of my enemies, explaining why I felt so inadequate in my lifetime. Eventually He came to the largest, most intimidating demon of all. I waited for the Lord to explain. Quietly He lifted my hand to His lips and gave it a kiss. It seemed as if He wanted to assure me that I was finally safe. He nodded his head toward the demon who appeared as dark as the deepest night.

“He is Darkness and is very powerful. Remember when you were shrouded with such a heavy cloak of despair that you could hardly breathe? That was him. I heard you ask for help. I knew you didn’t know what to pray, so I begged the Father for you. And He answered.”

With wonder, I met the Lord’s gaze. There were tears in His eyes as together we recalled those darkest times. He hugged me and added. “You came out better daughter. I love that about you. You never gave up though you wanted to. Instead you just kept asking Me for help. That’s why today your enemies are gathered here to witness your victory banquet. At my command they will be face down in the dust, never to bother you again.”

The presence of the Lord surrounded me and comforted me as never before. I didn’t know whether to clap or sing or shout. Instead I just hugged the Savior and laughed with joy. He laughed too so I dared to ask.

“Can we have dessert first?”