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By Lynna Clark

Yesterday we talked about God giving us ideas. Today let’s look at Nehemiah 7: 5 -73. The idea that God gave him was to make a list. Lists are great! I love lists. They help keep me on task. They remind me of what’s important. Lists are our friends.

The list in this passage is a list of families. It is also a record of how many men were returned from exile. Listed are those from the family of Beth-azmaveth with a mere 42, to the clan of Pahath-moab, with 2,818 [I bet they drew names at Hanukkah instead of buying gifts for everyone; cause you know you have to cut back somewhere]. Looks like God is interested in numbers. Maybe it’s because each number is a person; and each person has a story; and each story needs to be told; because each life has a purpose.

Numbers matter. When I get my checking statement, I tear it open to see if we have won “Beat the Bank” this month. Just kidding. We can’t play that anymore since we have entered the age of suck that money out of your account as soon as you swipe the card. Yep. Numbers determine if we get to swipe our card some more… or not.

In our family, on my husband’s side, there are 41 in the immediate family. Most of us eat lunch together every other Sunday. And a bunch of these bring girlfriends and boyfriends. I look up sometimes and think, “Do I know you?” My beloved mother-in-law has hosted lunch like this for longer than the 40 years I’ve been in the family. When they line up to fix plates, she says without fail, “Here comes the thundering herd!” When you’re preparing lunch, numbers matter. In fact, I can’t think of a place where numbers don’t matter, especially when they represent people.

Prayer for today: Lord God, the One Who shows us continually that You love details, bless our church with numbers. Not just bodies in chairs. Please bless our church with more salvations and more souls committed to serving and loving You. And as our numbers grow, strengthen each of us to take care of the ones You bring to us. Help no one fall through the cracks unloved and unnoticed. Because You love every single soul.
More: Acts 2:41-47; Matthew 10: 30,31; Matthew 18:12-14