Our Thoughts

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By Doug Creamer

            We had a guest minister at our church on Sunday. The man is a friend of our pastor. He has spoken at our church before and always brings a thought-provoking message. This week was no exception, as ironically, his topic was: our thoughts. His message wasn’t simply that we have good thoughts and bad thoughts, but more about our responsibility for our thoughts.

            He spent some time explaining to us that we have to learn what to do with any kind of negative thought. For example, I may have a thought that something terrible is going to happen. I need to take that kind of thought captive and not allow it to grow into something unmanageable in my imagination. I love my imagination but I can’t allow it to run crazy with bad thoughts, that is not good for me and it is a waste of my time.

            When bad thoughts attempt to invade our minds we have to take them captive. The minister explained that if we take a thought captive and keep it from playing in our imagination the bad thought loses its power over us. Worry is when we let a bad thought run wild. We keep imagining bad things happening or bad outcomes in potentially good situations. God wants us to be in charge of our thoughts and to not allow negative ones to grow.

            Let’s say you go to the doctor and receive a diagnosis of diabetes, or worse yet that awful word: cancer. Both of these diagnoses could result in serious outcomes. This is when it is vital to control our thoughts. While I believe that God can miraculously heal people I also believe that God will use doctors and medicine to change circumstances. We need to apply our faith in God to these situations and not allow our imaginations to run wild against us.

            The truth is bad things happen to all of us. We all face problems that sometimes feel larger than life. What I want you to do right now it remember a time in your life when you felt overwhelmed by your circumstances. Now remember how God intervened in your life, how he changed the circumstances and saw you through them. That is part of your testimony to God’s faithfulness in your life. The next time you feel overwhelmed remember God’s faithfulness to you in the past, how He came through for you in a pinch.

            Sometimes in life we face things that overwhelm us and none of our own testimonies are strong enough to see us through. This is a time when God is planning to grow our faith in Him. This is a time when we need to turn to others so we can hear their testimonies. Whatever over-whelming situation you are facing, someone has already been through it. Someone has a story of how God met them in their darkest hour to encourage their faith and renew their strength.

            God has a plan to help you. That plan begins in your mind. God does not want you to live in fear. God does not want you to worry. God wants you to have faith in Him, that He is sufficient to see you through. God wants you to be in control of your thoughts. I know that thoughts can run wild, that’s why we have to take them captive. When my thoughts have gone south I have several good friends who know how turn me around.

            Our minds are wonderful tools when we use our faith to keep them working in the right direction. We are designed to be overcomers and that process begins in our thoughts. We have to use our imagination to see ourselves overcoming. We have to apply our faith in a good God to our circumstances. When we feel weak and vulnerable we have to be willing to ask a good friend to come along side us to help correct our thinking. God intends for us to be victorious in every situation in our lives, but the battle for victory begins in our thoughts.

            I want to encourage you to examine your thoughts. I encourage you to create a spiritual screen for your thoughts. Any bad thoughts about yourself and circumstances you face are not from your loving Heavenly Father. God sees you as a victorious prince or princess in His family. Stop telling yourself negative things and believe that God wants what is best for you. Allow your thoughts and faith to connect to the awesome God you serve and you will see your victory.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com