Party Time

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By Lynna Clark

Nehemiah 8: 10-12- Very loosely paraphrased:

PARTY TIME!!! Break out the paper plates, not those flimsy, use 3 or 4, and hope the beans don’t leak through and run down your elbow kind. Buy the sturdy ones and the heavy cutlery. Everyone bring a covered dish, or two or three just to make sure there’s plenty! Something yummy like your grandma would’ve made. Don’t forget the sweat tea! And real fried chicken- crispy on the outside and juicy in the middle! Macaroni and cheese so thick you have to bang the side of the pan to get it off the serving spoon. While you’re at it churn up some ice cream for on top of the hot cobbler. Yummmm………..!

Nothing says celebrate like great food! They had worked so hard. Then came the worship. Next was repentance. Then thanksgiving. Now PAR-TAAY!

Hard work; Sacrifice; Giving; God’s Word; Worship; Repentance; Thanksgiving; Sharing; Preparing; Planning; Food; Fellowship; Joy; Strength; all because some people got together and cared about what God wanted, and prayed.

It’s a picture of us and our churches too!

If you’re in any church or close relationship very long, you know there will be short comings. If you hang tough and stay strong, you will experience the joy of family done well. Something about weathering storms together always draws us closer to each other. And we are definitely better together!

Dear God, please hold our church safely in Your everlasting arms. Carry us when we have no strength. Give us great joy in You. Help us to love each other so much that You are blessed. But when we get weary, and You know that we will, help us love You way more than any petty grievance that would separate us from each other. Thank You so much for the wonderful joy of knowing You, and for all the folks in our sweet church!


“Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. Do not stifle the Holy Spirit. Do not scoff at prophecies, but test everything that is said. Hold on to what is good. Keep away from every kind of evil.” -1 Thess. 5:16-22