Preparing for Christmas

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By Doug Creamer

            It is always nice to have a few days off, even when one is semi-retired. The holidays are a busy time and there is always more to do than time to get it all done. The couple of days off last week were welcome. The list to get done was longer than I cared to complete. But I was grateful for the time to chip away at the things that needed my attention.

            I am not sure how fall slipped away so quickly. There always seem to be leaves that need to be collected. I hadn’t planted the pansies and violas yet, so I went to the garden center on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and got the best ones I could find so late in the season. They are an interesting mix of colors and over the long weekend I found the time to get them out. We like the joy they offer through the long winter season.

            It was a strange combination of outside activities over the weekend. I planted the flowers and worked on putting up the outside Christmas lights and decorations. Our street is festive; most of my neighbors put out some Christmas decorations. We try to get things up sometime over the Thanksgiving weekend. It felt crazy doing both of those things over the weekend.  

            I spread out the decorating over several afternoons. I don’t have a yard that screams Christmas. I just tend to work on other things at the same time. The afternoons fill up quickly, especially with the shorter days.

            Thanksgiving weekend ended up being busy doing some outside work and getting the outside looking like Christmas. We haven’t started working on setting our tree up or decorating inside the house yet. Preparation can be lots of work.

            There is so much preparation that goes into the holidays. I won’t list all the things that have to get done because that can be overwhelming to see in print. But each of us will chip away at the long list of things that need doing before the big day. The question that floats around in my mind is will we do the preparation necessary to get our hearts ready to receive the Christ child? It is so easy to be distracted by all that HAS to happen that we can sometimes forget or miss the significance of celebrating Christmas.

            Sometimes Jesus can get lost in all the decorating, Christmas shopping, and food preparation. It’s not that we mean to leave Him out of our celebrations. It’s simply that we allow other things to press in. So here we are, finding ourselves at the beginning of the holiday season and the opportunity to prepare our hearts for the real meaning of the season.

            How do you prepare? How do you keep your focus on Him? I think one place to begin is reading. Obviously, it is good to read the various accounts written in scripture about the birth of Jesus. Three of the gospels share different aspects of the story that offer ample opportunity for reflection. Take time to meditate on what Mary and Joseph went through in agreeing to be Jesus’ parents. Reflect on their circumstances and how all the details fell into place.

            These are good places to begin. There are many books and devotionals for this season that can help focus your heart and mind. Go beyond the reading and think about what it was like to live in that day and time. Imagine yourself meeting the family.

            I have already suggested the need for reflection and mediation, now allow your thoughts to lead you into thanksgiving and praise for all that Jesus accomplished coming to earth for us. Allow your heart to express your gratitude for all that He has done. Allow your thanks and praise to guide you as you pray for family and friends during this holiday season.

            I want to encourage you to commit to yourself that you will spend some quiet time with Jesus this holiday season. Allow His presence to fill your heart so you can receive the Christ of Christmas. Preparing yourself as we approach the day will make your heart ready. Truthfully, we all need to work to be ready, not only for Christmas but for His return. Many believe that His return is imminent. Many people missed His first coming in Bethlehem even though there were signs pointing to His arrival. I hope we are all ready for His second coming because there are signs pointing to it. It’s time to prepare for Christmas and the second coming. Are you ready?

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or