Preparing for What is Ahead

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By Doug Creamer

            The packages have been unwrapped. The paper is lying around. The bows and ribbons are tossed here and there. The delicious food has been consumed. The beautiful music still wafts from the speakers. The baby Jesus has finally landed in the manger.

            Sometimes I like the days after Christmas about as much as I like the day itself. It’s peaceful and quiet. We have some instrumental Christmas CDs that I enjoy listening to after it all winds down. The music lifts my soul and I find myself softly humming the words I know so well. There is no hustle and bustle, no rushing here or there. There is no list to get done. There is time for a few quiet moments sitting by the Christmas tree, time to reflect and be thankful for all the new memories that Christmas brought.  

            I really didn’t want to get up from my recliner even though there were some things to do. Eventually, I got up, only to be pulled back later in the day. The house was quiet, other than the music playing softly. I love so much about the Christmas season. I want to allow myself to soak in the wonder and joy of the season for more than just one day.

            When I finally moved from the recliner it was well after noon. I looked out my window and saw it was raining. I wanted to grab a book and return to my recliner and read by the light of the Christmas tree. That needed to wait until lunchtime. I needed to get going. There was laundry, dishes, and the Christmas wrappings that needed to be cleaned up.

            I enjoyed seeing the Christmas cards that are neatly displayed. I read a Christmas letter from a relative that I missed. The house was humming. It was the sound of the dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer all working in the background. Their hum couldn’t squash the hum in my heart. I headed back to the computer to write my column. I was still in my sweats, humming some Christmas tune.

            I looked out the window and saw our humble manger sitting in the rain. I knew I needed to get focused on my column, but the quietness of the day kept calling me. Two snowmen sit on my desk, smiling at me in spite of the warm rain that was falling outside, mocking them. I chuckled at their cheeriness and wondered if I might be able to build them a friend. The weathermen are predicting snow for this winter; I hope they are right.

            My calendar hangs beside my desk, informing me that we only have a few more days left in 2023. The tasks of the day were calling to me and yet I found myself wanting to linger here quietly with you on this damp and cloudy day. I swear it’s not laziness that kept me here; it’s the peacefulness that was stirring within me. I was afraid if I “got busy” that this refreshing peace would ooze away.

            I received a new calendar for Christmas and soon I will have to get it out. While a part of me longs to stay right where I am, I know we must move forward to whatever adventure lies ahead. We know that God has good things planned for our future. But we also know that there will be challenges that we must all work through. The good news is that we don’t have to do any of those things alone. God will be with us.

            As we turn the page and begin a new chapter called 2024, we can know that God has gone before us and is preparing us for the wonders that lie ahead. There is no fear for 2024. There is only hope and excitement for all the good treasures that God has hidden for us. He is a good Father who loves us more than we can imagine. We know He gives good gifts because we have just celebrated the most wonderful gift of all, Jesus born in a stall.

            So, as we prepare for what is ahead, I want to encourage you to put your faith and trust in God. He knows our future because He sees our future. We don’t have to worry because our lives are in His hands. We can have confident faith in God, and expectant, pregnant hope for the future, and His perfect peace that will guard our hearts and minds as we enter 2024. I bid you a Happy, Joyful, Faith-filled, Peaceful, and Magical 2024!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or