Reflection and Renewal

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By Doug Creamer

            I know that many churches have renewal and revival services. Some last all week, while others have them over a weekend. A special speaker is chosen who will bring a fresh perspective to the congregation. It’s a time when we can stop and take a spiritual inventory and work on rekindling the fire of our faith.

            Last weekend we had a special speaker at our church. I had been looking forward to his coming. We’ve had him before and he is so refreshing, encouraging, challenging, and inspiring. He helps stir up our faith, and makes us reconsider our priorities. He makes me want to draw closer to God.

            We had two sessions with him on Saturday, and then he led the service on Sunday morning. In one way, it doesn’t seem like much time, but in another, he deposited so much in us. I have reviewed my notes and listened to some of the messages again because there is much more than you can grasp in one sitting.

            We got the chance to talk over the weekend, and he picked up on something that I didn’t realize about myself. He said that I was a detail person. I like specifics and want to know everything. At one point while he was teaching he was covering some detailed background to his story and he looked over at me and said, “You must be loving this.” I was eating it up. He shared details about relationships and places from the scripture that I found completely fascinating.

            Throughout the whole weekend he shared some insights and perceptions he felt from the Lord about our church and its place in our community. That’s something we all need to realize, that God has a specific purpose for our church to fulfill in the community. Then to take it a little deeper, what is our individual role in fulfilling our church’s purpose? When God calls us to attend a specific church, then He has a reason for us to be there.

            When we get the chance to attend a conference, we have to work to protect the seed that was sown. The enemy wants us to quickly forget what we learned and return to our routines. That means we have to reflect on what we heard and figure out how to apply it.

            In our conference we learned that the purpose of a church is to help raise up the next generation. God wants us to grow in our faith and trust in Him. He wants us to draw closer and to open our hearts to His great love. But He also wants us to find a way to reach the next generation with the Good News of his gospel.

            To me that means we have to look around and ask, “Are we attracting the younger generations to our church?” Consider where you go to church. Do you have young families that attend? If not, how can you pass the torch to someone who isn’t there? We may have to consider doing somethings differently in order to attract them.

            I know that thought may be unpleasant. I understand; I don’t like change either. But if what we are doing now doesn’t bring in the next generation, how are we going to pass on what we have learned about God? Some churches offer different services with different formats to meet the various needs. That’s great. The only question that lingers in my mind is how will the older generation pass on their wisdom if they never meet the younger generation?

            The solution is… I don’t know. How do we reach the lost and disengaged? All of us have relatives who are unreached. Don’t we want a local church to reach out to them with the love of God? We have to realize that others are praying for us to reach out to their family members who aren’t saved. If what we are currently doing is not reaching out to the lost, then we have to change, to do something that will attract them.

            I want to encourage you to consider how you came to know the Lord. Most of us would have to admit our lives were in a mess. That’s where God chose to meet us, when we were at our worst. So, in order to reach the lost, we are going to have to open our hearts in a different way to receive the broken, discouraged, the hurting, and those who have all kinds of problems. Jesus came for them and He wants to use us. They will be the ones who will carry the torch into the future.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or