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By Lynna Clark

Nehemiah 8:13 tells us that the spiritual leaders and the family leaders got together to go over God’s Word in greater detail, kinda like life group but without the pizza. While studying, they discovered that the Lord had introduced a special family time of camping out. They were to go up in the hills, and drag back some branches. They are told what kinds of trees to take from. Then they were to make these into shelters for their families to live in the great outdoors for a whole week each year; sort of a stick house that would be built on top of the flat roof of their regular house. This was to remind them of years ago when God delivered their ancestors from slavery in Egypt, and they made temporary homes. So I’m guessing they would sit with the children, in their homemade shelters, maybe watching the sunset or stars and telling the story of their relatives. Who knew that God is the Inventor of Staycation?

I can imagine that their children were much like ours saying, “Tell us the part about the frogs! Eewwww! Where is Egypt anyway? Tell us the part about the death angel! Tell us about the Red Sea opening up and the walls of water they walked between. Could they see the fishes?”

Do our children know where we came from? Do they know any stories of miracles God has done in our lives? Do they ever say, “Tell us about the time we had no money for school clothes and God brought the lady by with the bag of clothes that fit us just right!” “Tell us about the time you and mommy prayed for food in college and someone left a meal on your doorstep.” “Remember the time we locked our keys in the car and the policeman stopped to help us?”

Intentional thankful remembering; God is very honored by it. It helps us recall what He’s brought us through. It gives us hope that the future will be just fine, because He is in it.

Today, think of some things God has brought you & your family through. Maybe take a little time to talk about how the Lord has blessed you. The next time you bring a need to the Lord, write it in your Bible and put the date beside it. You’ll be surprised at all you recall next year at this time. His care is worth remembering!

Lord, strengthen us today to remember and rejoice in You. Thank you for all You’ve done, and all You are about to do through us and our beloved church. Forgive us for forgetting. Help us be more intentional about remembering. Remind us to say “Thank You!” to You and to those around us often, because it is important to You.

More: Nehemiah 9- The people recount their deliverance from Egypt

Psalm 103:2 “Praise the Lord, I tell myself, and never forget the good things He does for me!”

Hebrews 6:10 “For God is not unfair. He will not forget how hard you have worked for Him and how you have shown your love to Him by caring for other Christians, as you still do.”