Rest Well

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By Lynna Clark

Because we live on a busy road and headlights tend to disturb a good night’s sleep, we hung room darkening shades in our bedroom. Over that we added thick drapes. Now it’s so dark in there at night I can’t tell if my eyes are open. Purposely we removed anything with lights, like the alarm clock, television, etc. Cell phones are our only reminders that we have not entered our eternal rest. Purposely they are turned face down. Plus two different fans stir the air with background noise.

I love it.

One night the whole room illuminated with an eerie glow. In my deep dream state I gazed at the ceiling wondering from whence the light came. It took a bit but I realized that my Kindle tablet had come on by itself. Weird. That never happens. I had put away the novel I was reading on it a few hours earlier. Several scenarios tumbled through my brain. Perhaps some unknown entity could be studying our sleep habits. Maybe they listened in to gather evidence that we are prejudice or politically incorrect. Or maybe they just want to get a jump on which ads will be most beneficial to pop up on my emails. I went from deep restful sleep to panicked paranoia.

Then it occurred to me.

I am way too tired for this. So I turned off the Kindle, flipped it over face down, and picked up where I’d left off: snoring like a freight train. Study THAT you crazy meddlers!

So our verse for today is found in Psalm 4:8. “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for You alone, O Lord will keep me safe.”
May your brain shut down tonight long enough to rest in Him. Sleep is a gift from God and a wonderful blessing. Rest well!