Resting on Us?

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By Ann Farabee

The words had been written in my scribbled print on a notepad that I discovered in a drawer. I have no idea how many years ago I had written those words, but it was evident that they were written for such a time as this.

The words? The spirit of the Lord will rest upon me. Isaiah 11:2

As I held it, it felt as if the words on the paper had a life of their own and were speaking directly to me.

The spirit of the Lord is resting on me?

Yes – and on you!

It is a promise from the Lord that we need to embrace.

The wordrest, according to my dictionary, has around 30 definitions.

I liked all 30, but these three stole my heart and captured my mind:

*Rest means to stay. The spirit of the Lord stays with us – no matter what is going on in our lives. No matter what is going on in our hearts. No matter what is going on in our world.  We are children of the King. His spirit will rest on us.

Matthew 10:29-31 says, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet, not one of them will fall to the ground outside of your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”  

We can rest in that – always.

*Rest means to support. The spirit of the Lord is supporting us. Most of us go through times in our lives when we are in crisis or just need support. We feel as if we may collapse underneath the load. But there is a promise that the spirit of the Lord will  support us.

Psalm 94:18 says, “My foot slips.The mercy of the Lord holds me up.”

We are held up and supported by the mercy of God resting on us.

It is a promise we can hold onto.

We can rest in that – always.

*Rest means to be silent. The spirit of the Lord brings silence. It is in those sweet moments of being still and knowing that He is God that we are surrounded by silence. As we seek  – and find – quiet times with our Father, we can often hear the voice of God.

Habakkuk 2:20 says, “But the Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.”

Being silent before the Lord and listening for His voice exudes awe, respect, reverence, and worship as we see Him for who He is – Our Father who is heaven. Holy is His name.

We can rest in that – always.

Lord, thank You that Your spirit rests on us. That sure does bring comfort. Thank you that Your spirit will stay with us.Thank you, Lord, that because of Your mercy, Your spirit will hold us up and support us, even when we fall.Thank you, Lord, that as Your spirit rests on us, we can be silent and hear your voice. Surround us, Lord. Amen