Sawdust Heart

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By Lynna Clark

Have you noticed the current trend in menswear? Grown men in tapered pants. And tennis shoes. Kinda gives off a Micky Mouse vibe. When we were in high school the guys wore bell bottoms. Who would purposely wear pants that wouldn’t move unless you took a few steps to let the material catch up? So I guess every generation has its crazy. But men in skinny britches? Even sportscasters in expensive suits have fallen prey. As long as they’re sitting behind a desk, all is well. But let them stand to converse or point out a play on the big screen… just no. And now the problem is compounded by the addition of tennis shoes. With a suit. So wrong. I already had issues with them wearing light brown dress shoes with dark suits. But tennis shoes? In white? Not good.

One guy shook things up. As a guest commentator on Fantasy Football, he appeared wearing a rock band t-shirt layered with a loose unbuttoned over-blouse situation. His jeans were tattered and his arms were heavily tattooed. I have no idea what was on his feet as I never got that far. His long hair was pulled back in an updo and his scraggly beard would’ve made the men on Duck Dynasty proud.

“Look honey. He wore his church clothes,” I commented. Together David and I haw-hawed like the two old guys on the Muppets in the balcony.

Maybe it’s a good thing. Perhaps it’s best that nobody cares about that stuff anymore. Truthfully I am the last person on earth who should throw stones. Thank the Lord you can’t see me right now. Besides, that verse in 1st Samuel 16:7 is still there. “Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” Probably when He looks for mine, all He can find is sawdust. I can see Him now slowly shaking His head. “Nothing here but an old Muppet in a housedress. Bless her heart.” Then comes the grace. “But at least she found something to laugh about. Those pegged leg suit pants with tennis shoes really ARE funny.”

Thank God when He looks at me He has a sense of humor too.
