Signs of the Season

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By Doug Creamer

            I just came in from my afternoon walk and the signs of spring are everywhere. Many people have daffodils blooming in their yards. I saw cherry trees and saucer magnolias in full bloom. The forsythia has been blooming for a while now. I noticed that many trees are starting to bud, too. Better stock up on allergy medicine, the season will be here soon.

            I noticed today and yesterday that it wasn’t just the flowers and trees that were showing signs of spring, the birds have been active too. I have heard so many different bird songs in the last couple of days. I saw several groups of robins playing in some yards. It won’t be long now and we will be hearing the babies peeping from their nests.

            The days are getting longer and I like that. Also, it is nice that grass cutting season hasn’t started yet, but I am sure we aren’t too far away. Most people are hoping that winter, if you can call what we experienced winter, is behind us. I have looked at some long-term forecasts and it looks like winter might be coming to an end. I will remind you that spring and winter often battle it out in March and we can still see some snow.

            For now, I think the flowers, trees, and birds are doing a pretty good job pointing to the arrival of spring. It is one of my favorite times of year. I am beginning to wonder if I can plant my peas and potatoes in a few weeks. I want to work on my fences a little bit in hopes of enjoying more of my harvest and leaving less to the rabbits, squirrels, and deer. We are definitely in the dream stage as we will have some cold nights in March and early April.

            We all know the signs of spring and we welcome them…unless you suffer terribly from allergies. We look forward to the warmer weather because we know it will eventually lead to summer. We see the signs and we recognize the signs of the seasons. My question becomes, do we recognize the signs of the times we are living in?

            Things are happening spiritually around us and we need to sit up and take notice. I wrote about the revival taking place on the campus of Asbury University last week. That service lasted for ten days straight for 24 hours a day. People from across the country and the world were flocking there to experience a visitation from God. There is an awakening occurring.

            The awakening has spread to other college and university campuses. Some are going on for 24 hours a day while others are stretching for multiple hours every day. I have read and heard stories where the leadership of some Christian colleges are praying that a visitation will occur on their college campuses. I believe where people are crying out to God for an outpouring of His Spirit, God will show up.

            What were some of the signs that we saw during the revival on the campus of Asbury? First, people were repenting. We have all sinned against God and when people break down and confess their sins God is drawn to meet the broken hearted. God’s heart is always drawn to people who call out to Him, especially when they are seeking mercy and forgiveness.

            Second, there was a deep desire to worship God. We are going to be spending time worshipping God in heaven, so worshipping Him here on earth is just a reflection of what is happening in heaven. When you think about it, when we worship God we are joining what is already happening there. We are participants. So we enter His presence in a greater way.

            There are two things that I hope come out of the Asbury outpouring. First, I want to see it spread throughout the world. I want to see people getting born again and experiencing God’s love in new and profound ways. Second, I want to see transformed lives because people have been touched and changed through an encounter with the living God. Real revival means changed lives.

            I want to encourage you to join me in praying that this outpouring continues, especially on our college campuses. God often chooses to do new things with young people who are open to seeing God move in new and unique ways. Pray that this revival will spread across the globe. We want to see people getting born again and experiencing a love-filled transformed life. I am excited and expecting to see God do great things.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or