Sister Verse

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By Lynna Clark

Sister Verse

March 3, 2022 by Lynna Clark

I have two sisters who are twins. If I can get this wonky techno crapola from Gehenna to co-operate I’ll include a picture of them. But no promises. They are the best. My sisters that is. Each loves the Lord, diligently studies Scripture, and teaches God’s Word regularly. But best of all, when the rubber meets the road, they take care of the family. Our daddy is eighty-eight and probably the most healthy man you’d ever come into contact with. So strong, he is diligent about his healthy lifestyle. Until recently he was still walking three or more miles per day. He started noticing a change in his breathing. Turns out he needed an aortic heart valve replacement. Wait… what?
It’s bad enough when someone his age needs a knee job. But heart surgery? The thoughts of it scared the life out of me. Another factor in the situation is that while my daddy is the picture of health for his age, I am not. I knew when plans were being made that I would not be able to help take care of him. I won’t lie. He can be a bit ornery, so I wasn’t terribly devastated. However, I worried about my sisters handling all that; especially since one of them lives in Virginia. Our local sister Janice stepped right up. She took care of all the preliminary doctor visits, all the calls and plans, plus she communicated the information to us. Since her husband had recently had heart surgery, she knew the right questions to ask and even understood the med-speak tossed around as-if we do this kind of thing everyday. She took him to the hospital on the day of surgery and sat with him through recovery. That alone was an all day sucker. Once he was moved into a regular room, she fed him dinner while he remained flat on his back. I can’t imagine what that looked like. Hopefully they didn’t have spaghetti. While Janice handled everything, Tamra our Virginia sister, and me held our breath and prayed. It was all we could do. So far, daddy seems to be fine and is supposed to go home today. Depending on his recovery time, Tamra and Janice plan to take turns helping him. Once again, I’ll be home praying as I really have no strength. As I thought on these things this morning, our sister verse came to mind.

“Three are even better, for a triple braided cord is not easily broken.” -Ecclesiastes 4:12b
For years we’ve held to this as we’ve gone through things with our children, the loss of our mama, and other trials. Each of us has our part. This is the first time that all I could do is pray. Thankfully my sisters get that, and even speak often of the value of my prayers. Rather than resent me, they lift me up. I think that’s the gist of the sister verse: each lifting the other until the cord is strong. Having the Lord woven in makes it even stronger. I hope you have someone you can weave into your life along with the Lord.

For a triple braided cord is not easily broken.