By Lynna Clark
Do you ever lie awake wishing your brain would just shut down? A quote from an old movie fits well in this situation. The master teacher admonishes his student who could not complete the task. “Too many minds,” he warns. Currently, we are dealing with a lot of unknowns. David is being treated for stage four cancer, while I deal with a lesser illness. Together we toddle through each day, doing our best just to keep up. By the time our heads hit the pillows at night, you’d think we’d be so worn out that sleep would come easily. But, often there are “too many minds.” I asked God to help me with this and He has. I thought you might could use this too. Everybody’s got something they carry to bed with them… I mean, besides a teddy bear and an extra pillow. So here’s what I do when I just can’t sleep.
I start with A.
For each letter of the alphabet, there is at least one great Bible passage that focuses on God’s promise to care for us. So for the next few days, I’ll share the one I dwell on when sleep won’t come. Write it on a slip of paper and put it by the bed so you’ll have it. Or pull it up on your phone; just try not to get side-tracked with all that other stuff. Think on what it means and pray it back to God. In a few weeks you’ll have a whole list of promises to help you rest.
So here’s A:
“God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we ask or think, according to His riches in Christ Jesus.” -from Ephesians 2:20
Think about it. I am not able… but He is. I have very little strength or wisdom or ability. But He has unlimited resources. Dwell on that amazing truth tonight. Ask Him to do even more than you can imagine.
And I pray you rest well.