So Bright

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By Lynna Clark

My sweet man has always wanted to live somewhere that he could step outside at night and it be so dark that he could gaze at a blanket of stars. Unfortunately we live inside the city limits, so even when he goes out back in the middle of the night, the brightest light he sees comes from the gas station on the corner. Now that the trees around us have shed their leaves, even the stoplight is visible. Behind us the church has put up security lights facing our house which light up our back deck considerably. Good times.

Not that I’m complaining. I’m just making honest observations as to why David can’t see the stars like he wants. It’s really ironic. I mean, has our world ever been any darker? Holy cow! I don’t even listen to the news any more. I figure the Lord can sort that mess out without me. Thankfully NOTHING catches Him by surprise. Which brings us to our thought for the day.
Philippians 2:14 & 15 says: “Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean innocent lives as children of God shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.”

So apparently the world has been dark for centuries. Our challenge is to shine in the midst of all that darkness. According to those few verses we can do that by refraining from complaints and arguments. Add to that clean living and suddenly we shine brighter than the gas station on the corner.

I like it.

Now if I can just refrain from making all those “honest observations” perhaps I can shine too.