So Much to Worry About

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I drove home from work today thinking about my column. That is something I do every Monday, as that is when I write my column. I reflect back on my week and look for times and places where I saw God interacting with me. I believe God is actively involved in our everyday lives. I think that many miss God’s hand because they aren’t looking.

No particular topic was tumbling around in my brain. Part of the reason for that is simple; I was obsessing about the hurricane in the Gulf. I know that is in the past tense for you, but from here it is future tense. I often think about that dilemma when I sit down to write. My future is sometimes your past.

Anyway, for those of you who don’t know, I am a weather fanatic. I have been watching trends over the last couple of days, changing the possible tropical storm into a major hurricane. Last week the models were showing a weak, stalled-out storm soaking the Gulf Coast region. My awareness and obsession have exploded as I realize that the storm will be much stronger and faster than previously thought. I am also not prepared for what might come our way.

I recently wrote about being prepared; can’t do that again. I wrote about getting poison ivy last week, which is dramatically improved. I wrote about the battle with seasonal allergies. Those are doing much better too. What do I write about?

I have been thinking hard about retirement…when I am not thinking about the weather. Since I have been entertaining that thought more frequently, I find myself lying awake at night working through the math. My Dad gave me a mind to work the numbers. I have talked to many friends about this very important decision. It looks good and it is beginning to feel right…but…

All these random thoughts reveal a personal struggle; sometimes I struggle with worry. There are some people I know who are professional worriers…not warriors, but worriers. I don’t even come close to their gift for worry. I worry about the future. Lately, I have been trying to lay the worry down and work on my faith and trust in God. He has never let me down in the past, why would He fail me now?

There is nothing really wrong with having an obsession with the weather as long I don’t worry. My faith and trust have to be in a great big God who will take good care of me. I talked to a friend who came through Florence down near the coast. As she told me about the damage to her beautiful home, my heart broke. Then she told me about all the miraculous ways God took care of her and her family…in spite of the damage.

So, retirement, storms, and most important…worry, has to come and bow at the feet of Jesus. No matter what comes our way, God is going to see us through. Friends, family, church members, and maybe even some angels are going to be dispatched to help us in our hour of need. No matter what the enemy of my soul throws at me to discourage me, to create doubt in my mind, to cause me to worry…I can’t let it win. I have to fight, believe, and trust.

I know that many of you are going through some terribly difficult times. Some of you are in my daily prayers. You are struggling with employment issues, trying to get your house repaired, battling health issues, dealing with loss, fighting discouragement and depression, worrying about your family members, and…you fill in the blank. I have news for you. I believe God is walking with you. I believe God is working behind the scenes to help you. I believe there is hope for you even if things look really dark right now. I believe God is greater and bigger than any and all of those situations.

I want to encourage you to pray with me, “God, we give all these things into your mighty hands. We don’t know how you are going to fix or help us, but we believe that You will.” When we pray and think like that, worry has to go. Fear has to die. Doubt gets kicked out. In these fields of our minds we can now plant seeds of hope, love, mercy, grace, and peace. I want to get the worry out of my mind and let these new seeds have a chance to grow. Good luck with your seeds, too. I hope they grow and produce good things in your life.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or