Spread the News

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By Doug Creamer

Spread the News

            I saw on a weather website the other day that we are expecting an inch. Can you believe that we might actually see an inch…of pollen? Did you think I meant snow? I looked out at my driveway the other day after a shower blew through and it was yellow with pollen. Sometimes if you look outside, you can see the pollen particles in the air, there is so much out there. I was wondering if the mask wearing for COVID was helping people who suffer from allergies.

            All the pollen comes with the beauty of spring. I was so afraid the cold nights we had a few weeks ago might spoil spring. The dogwoods, azaleas, flowers, and other blooming trees seem to be coming on strong. I love driving down the road and seeing all of nature coming back to life. It makes me wonder what heaven’s beauty might look like one day. 

            We made our first spring trip to a garden center last week. It is our favorite place to go every spring. We go often and stay for a while. For us, it’s better and often cheaper than going to the movies. Naturally, we want to see our old favorites, but we also want to see what is new in the world of plants.

            I spent some time picking out my vegetable garden seeds. I stuck with my tried and true varieties. I didn’t pick out any tomatoes or other transplants yet. I want to give it another week before I put them out. We have gotten some surprise frosts on more than one occasion.

            After a warm and dry week last week I decided that maybe I could till the garden. I have four raised beds and hoped to get one of them worked up. My tiller glided through the soil easily. I thought that maybe I could do two beds. The second bed went smoothly, too. I needed to be cutting the grass, but maybe I could try a third bed. When I finished that bed, well, there was only one more to go. I didn’t finish cutting the grass, but my garden beds are ready for planting.

            There is nothing quite like planting seeds in freshly tilled soil. I love the feeling of the soil and the excitement of getting seeds in the ground. I will go out every day to see if they have sprouted. Nothing can bring greater joy to a gardener than to see the soil starting to erupt and those new seedlings emerging.

            The truth is we should feel the same kind of joy when we have the opportunity to share the seeds of hope with those who are lost. When those opportunities arise where we can speak those words of life to another, we want to be ready. There should be a peace and a joy in our lives that others find attractive, something that they desire for themselves.

            Some people spray their religious thoughts like the annoying pollen of spring. It fills the air and turns people off to God. We need to be like flowers that attract bees to collect the pollen. People should be attracted to our lives, and then the pollen of our faith just sticks to them. It becomes food for their souls and they keep coming back for more.

            Jesus dealt with each person tenderly and compassionately. He never pushed His faith on anyone. People were attracted to His servant heart. They were drawn by the love that they found in His eyes. He didn’t espouse judgement on people, but He did encourage them to go and live changed lives. He welcomed all people, especially those who were living sinful lives and trapped with hopelessness. Jesus planted in them the seeds of life and hope.

            I am dependent on the Lord’s mercy and grace every day. I want to be the kind of vessel that extends His love, grace, and mercy to those I encounter who are hungry and thirsty for more of God. I want my life to be attractive to others. I want to have the same servant heart that Jesus has for the lost and hurting around me.

            I want to encourage you to bloom where God has you planted. He put you there so He could attract people to Himself through you. You are unique and God can express part of His unique character through you. People are hungry and thirsty, let them come to your well and drink and let them pick the fruit in your life and eat. God wants to use you. Yes, YOU.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com