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By David Freeze

It has been one of my great privileges to write this column now for more than 10 years. I’m not sure exactly which year this tradition started, but I know this year is certainly one for the record books. Regardless, we all should be thankful each day and here are the thoughts that top my list for     Thanksgiving Day, 2020.

My first grandchild, her name is Monroe, but I call her “Booper,” now just past her first birthday.

Blood and organ donors, always needed.

Health care professionals who lead the battle against the coronavirus and all of our other medical issues.

Those who act when they hear, “Somebody’s got to do something!”

The gifts of much-needed food and cash to fill the pantries at Rowan Helping Ministries, Main Street Mission, the Salvation Army and various food drives.

Books, and the gift of reading instilled in children, opening a life of wonder and knowledge.

Ways to keep events going with proper guidelines, such as the Forum’s Butterball 5K held this morning at Salisbury Community Park and benefiting Prevent Child Abuse Rowan.

People who stay active and make the effort to improve their health during the pandemic, increasing their odds for a safe recovery.

The Salisbury Post, still our best option for local news and keeping each other informed. I start my day with it every morning. Plus all the readers and new friends I’ve met through my writing.

Worshiping with your church as members decide instead of a government mandate.

A bicycle trip around the Big Island, Hawaii, completed just before major quarantines began in March, thus completing a marvelous tour of all 50 states on two wheels.

So much major work done on the farm while other activities were limited.

The two good-smelling female runners I often meet while doing my miles on Patterson Road before daylight.

Radio and TV coverage of basketball and football that we can’t see in person currently.

Our military, law enforcement, fire and all the other protectors who put safety and freedom ahead of their own concerns.

The faith writers at the Post who allowed me to share in the new book, An EncouragingU Christmas, available at and Father and Son Produce. .

Prayer, smiles and kind words, always powerful and never needed more. Especially those from good friends and family who positively affect our lives daily.

Backyard and backdoor visits from those friends, neighbors and family, especially those that are not rushed.

All the Christmas lights I can find to put up and appreciation of your displays, large and small.

With all these thoughts listed, I have many more and I’m sure you have plenty of blessings too. Take time especially today but every day following to realize and survey your personal gifts, memories and ongoing blessings. The future is bright, believe it, pray for it and do your part to make it that way.

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!