That Still Small Voice

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By Doug Creamer

            Have you ever had one of those weeks when you had more to do than you thought you could accomplish? Yeah, I know we have all had those kinds of weeks. It makes you feel glad for a routine week. It makes the routine seem quiet. Like it or not, we all have those kinds of days and weeks when we chase ourselves.

            Then there are those weeks that are stressful. Maybe you are facing a deadline and you are pushing to get it all done. Maybe you are worried about a loved one. Maybe you are dealing with sickness, your own or a family member, and you are feeling overwhelmed.

            Maybe you are facing the loss of a loved one. Our world has come to a screeching halt in moments like this. I have been to a number of funerals for church members recently. I have family members who have recently lost members from their families. Daily routines must feel so unimportant in such times.

            We pray for each other. We are there for each other. We offer our hand of help and support. We listen and we try to lift the burdens from family and friends. We offer words that we hope will bring comfort.

            I thought retired life would always grant me plenty of time. Hustling would be something I would only see in my rearview mirror. For the most part, I was right, but there are times and days when things can still go crazy. It seems that it has been that way for the last couple of weeks. 

            Last week when I was reaching a peak of craziness I suddenly felt this blanket of peace surround me. I really can’t explain it. I should have been feeling the stress of all that was going on. I didn’t. The craziness settled, I took a few breaths, and wondered how I made it.

            I didn’t have time for the computer during the craziness, so I took a few quiet moments to catch up on email and social media. I saw an email from an old friend. I haven’t seen or talked with him in quite a while. I opened it and it simply read, “Been praying for you the last couple of days.” It took my breath away. I savored it. I read it a couple of times.

            This friend had no way of knowing what kind of craziness I was enduring. I wrote and thanked the friend. I shared a few of the crazy things that were going on. He simply said that I was on his mind during his quiet time. Obedience is so important. We don’t need to understand, just listen and obey that still, small voice.

            God can be quite sneaky at times. (No disrespect intended – actually love and appreciation.) He has ways of getting people praying because prayer changes things. God knows what we often fail to understand, that prayer is a powerful tool that moves heaven.

            There are six friends who receive prayer from me every day. Beyond them, there are varying amounts of prayers being offered for various people and situations. Yes, in case you don’t know, I do pray about the weather, too. Jesus calmed storms and He’s our example.

            Like my friend, I have been impressed to pray for people. When I feel the gentle call, I don’t ask questions, I just lift them up in prayer. Sometimes when the impression to pray is intense, I will follow up with the person and often hear some interesting stories. Morning, noon, or night, if the Spirit whispers, I try to listen and respond.

             I think many people do not realize the power they possess if they will simply bow their head in prayer. Peter was delivered from prison because a group was praying for him. I know people who have been healed and others who have been saved through the power of prayer. I believe circumstances change, the Lord’s favor can rest on us, and impossible situations can miraculously resolve themselves through prayer.

            I want to encourage you to listen for and obey that still, small voice. You never know how your prayers might impact situations. Your prayers might set in motion the help that is desperately needed. Your prayers can turn another person’s day completely around. Your prayers can dispatch angels. Your prayers can release peace, love, and the Spirit to do what only He can do. Next time you hear that still, small voice speaking to you, say a prayer.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or