The Failure

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By Ann Farabee

That F in geometry did not look good.

Nor did the D in Driver’s Education.

I was a failure.

I was a sophomore — 15 years old.

My problem was not my ability.

My problem was my circumstance.

My father had begun having a drinking problem.

It took a toll on me — especially that year.

I say this with love to those addicted to alcohol or drugs:

It never just hurts the addict.

It was a stressful time in my home.

I was often sleepy and distracted.

I was not getting my schoolwork finished.

But God.

The days passed.

With the support of others, things got better.

My grades bounced back.

I was able to go to college.

No — the problem had not gone away.

But God — had sent angels to help me through it.

What I felt those years are the same types of emotions and anxiety filled times that children and teens still go through today. We need to support them however we can.

God… still sends the angels.

Angels of protection.

Angels of mercy.

The years passed.

Not only did I teach for almost 40 years, but part of that time I was a math specialist.

Not only have I been driving for 50 years, but I have a perfect driving record.

That still makes me smile. Sometimes, it makes me laugh.

Guess I was not a failure after all.

Only God could do that!

God picked me up, turned me around, and placed my feet on higher ground.

He allowed me to live beyond my circumstance.

He will do the same for you — and for your loved ones.

He will take a mess and make it a message.

He will take a test and make it a testimony.

He will take a trial — and turn it into a victory.

Miracles still happen daily.

What’s your story? I would love to hear it!

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or