The Fearless

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By Ann Farabee

Mother’s Day was campaigned for as a United States holiday by Anna Jarvis, who had no children, but believed that your mother is the one person who “has done more for you than anyone in the the world.” It is now the biggest day of the year for flowers and cards, and is the third biggest day for church attendance.

The holiday has expanded to recognize all women — mothers, non-mothers, the grands, the steps, the in-laws, the out-laws…

Let’s face it — women are amazing! Working mothers labor approximately 98 hours a week — 14 hours a day. (No, that’s not an exaggeration.)

We are invincible! We are strong! We are woman, hear us roar in numbers too big to ignore! We are fearless!

Well, maybe not.

I find Linda Wooten’s quote to be on point, “Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.”

The truth is we often face fear, especially where our family is concerned. Being fearful is not confined to the weak.

It can happen to all of us, at any time and in any circumstance.

A short list of some of a mother’s greatest fears:

• My baby sleeps alone the first time

• My child will get sick or be injured

• My child’s first time driving alone

• My child leaves home

• My child won’t be successful

• My child will make poor decisions

Yes, the list of fears is ongoing.

The book of Joshua tells how fear kept the Israelites wandering in the wilderness for 39 years. If we aren’t careful, we will do the same thing.

What can we do when we face fear? We need to fight it. If we fail to fight it, fear tends to hang around.

God’s Word is where to start — and finish — the battle.

Romans 8:15 says we are not slaves to fear, but we are children of God.

If we take hold of that and compare our love for our children to how much greater God’s love is for us as His child, we may begin to understand how protected we actually are.

Still not convinced?

Then try Isaiah 41:10 where we read this command: fear not!

So, let’s stop being a “No fear, Mom” where we have to convince ourselves that we don’t have to live in fear. Yes, the comma is used as a pause, because we are always having to give ourselves a talking to, “I won’t live in fear. I won’t live in fear. I won’t live in fear…

No fear, Mom. No fear, Mom. No fear, Mom…”

Instead, let’s become a true no fear mom!

No comma, no pause, nowhere to stop.

We do not have to be in bondage to fear. Give it up, walk and live in victory — every day.

Yes, there is a lot of labor involved in mothering, so join me in accepting delivery from fear right now. Let me know how your new fearless life goes.

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or