The Great Outdoors

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By Doug Creamer

                Everyone who knows me knows that I like to be outside. I will sit outside on my porch late at night on cool evenings. I love to go for walks. I enjoy working in my garden, which I really don’t consider work. I find inspiration in nature. I enjoy good fresh air and sunshine.

                I don’t like high heat and humidity. We have been enjoying a period of cooler temperatures and lower humidity this year and I have been thrilled. The high heat and humidity zaps my energy. I walk out the door and lose motivation as soon as the heat hits me.

                There is one place that I like summer’s heat and humidity…the beach. Most days when you are at the beach there is a nice breeze. Also, the temperature doesn’t seem as bad. But I have been at the beach on several occasions when there was no air movement and the sun was oppressively hot. Those are not enjoyable days.

                I went to Tidewater, Virginia last weekend where I spent time with my mother-in-law and my sister. My sister lives a block away from the beach. I couldn’t wait to go to her house. The forecast called for hot temperatures and thunderstorms. I was just hoping for a nice day and a little breeze off the water.

                We walked down to the water and she decided she wanted to face the sun and catch some rays. I wanted to face the water and watch the waves. We each faced the direction we wanted and enjoyed a long conversation. Her beach is on the Chesapeake Bay and I enjoyed watching several barges coming in the bay. There were also several pleasure crafts enjoying the great day.

                We talked about our families, work, good days, bad days, health issues, and good food. The conversation flowed like water and the closeness we shared was rooted in a lifetime of love. We laughed and people-watched. She made me a sandwich which I enjoyed while listening to the gentle waves washing up on the shore. I haven’t eaten lunch sitting on the beach since I was a kid. The memories flooded me while sitting there peacefully.

                My sister told me that our time was up and we needed to head back to the house. She was concerned about an approaching storm. I told her we still had some time and asked to sit quietly for a few minutes so I could let the ocean waves work on my soul. She agreed and I allowed the sound to work its magic. I didn’t want to leave but knew we needed to get going.

                On our trip we stayed with my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law is a great cook and always has plenty of wonderful food to eat. I am always looking for something I can do to help my mother-in-law while I am home. I prefer to work outside, including…yes…pulling weeds. I will also help out inside if there are some things I can do.  She tells me that she feels guilty that I stay busy while I am home, but I enjoy any opportunity to serve.

                I have become increasingly convinced of two things on this trip. First, I believe God likes it when we slow down and allow our spirits to be refreshed. He enjoys relaxing with us. Sometimes I struggle with the idea of slowing down because I feel like I should be getting something done. When I go to the beach I can easily let everything go and enjoy the peacefulness. Second, I think God is deeply pleased with us when we find ways to serve others, especially when we do things we really don’t like to do…like pulling weeds. Helping and serving others doesn’t and shouldn’t feel like work. When we can discover ways to serve others I believe it is God working through us to bless them.

                I want to encourage you to rest and serve others. Discovering ways you can refresh your spirit while at home and away are important if you want to be ready for opportunities that God brings your way. There are always things that we can do, but being busy is not what pleases God. When we apply ourselves to giving our best to our employers and seeking opportunities to bless and serve others…that pleases God. It seems ironic that God can be pleased in both our resting and our serving, but I truly believe that is true. In fact, I believe we can be refreshed while we are serving. Either way, resting or serving, we get the benefit of doing both with our Heavenly Father.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or