The Opportunity

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By Doug Creamer

            I started a painting project over the weekend. Our front door was a stained wood. At one time it was a beautiful door but over the years the sun has faded its beauty. We have a wood storm door that I sanded and stained a number of years ago. Time and the sun have faded my work on the storm door, too. It’s time for a fresh look. The trouble is deciding which color to paint the door when you are looking at a computer screen or a small sample.

            Over the weekend I worked on sanding, repairing damaged spots, and priming the door. It is also important to properly clean and prepare the surface. My least favorite part of painting is the taping. I don’t understand why I dislike taping so much because in the end it saves so much cleanup work. In the end, I think it took more time to prep the surface than it did to actually prime it.

            We are on our way to a fresh new look for our front door. I am excited to see how it turns out. I believe we are going to like it. There are some other painting projects that need attention around here. I am hoping this motivates me to get going on some of them.

            I have been thinking about the significance of doors recently. I read a book where the author asked the reader to consider the color of the door of their heart. I have never considered such a thing and have imagined several colors for my heart’s door. I am not sure what each color signifies but I hope the Lord finds the color pleasing and the door open for Him.

            I enjoy going for walks in my community, and not just because my doctor thinks I need to walk. Often my neighbors will be out working in their yards or just sitting out enjoying the beautiful day. We exchange pleasantries, which is nice. Sometimes, if I have a few moments, I will stop and meet the people who live in my community. We are lucky to have such great neighbors in our community.

            As I meet more and more neighbors on my walks, I have been thinking about doors of opportunity. I wonder if God is opening doors of opportunity to share my faith with people I meet. It is important that we be sensitive to God’s leading and look for those opportunities to be light in this dark world.

            I will ask people if they have a church they call home. Some people light up talking about their church family and their pastors. By the way, thank you to all the pastors out there serving and loving your flocks. Your members love and appreciate you more than you realize. Anyway, these people who light up about their church will invite me to join them.  

            I will invite others who don’t have a church home to come to mine. I love my church family. We are always open to adopting new members. Being connected to a church family is important to spiritual growth. God wants you to be receiving, giving, and serving in a local church body. You have important spiritual gifts that are needed in the Kingdom.

            More important than being connected to a church is your personal connection to your Father in Heaven. Is the door of your heart open for Him to come in? Have you established and built a relationship with your Heavenly Father through Jesus? He wants to know you and wants you to know Him. You are invited to Heaven and to be in the family of God, but you have to accept the invitation and welcome the Creator into your heart. Otherwise you will miss being in the heavenly community when your time comes.

            I want to encourage you to open the door of your heart today and receive the invitation into the family of God. He has a place and a purpose for you. It is the most critical decision you will ever make. Please don’t put it off. When I go for a walk around heaven, I want to stop at your house and meet you. Heaven will be a far greater community than any of us can imagine. The door will soon close and the opportunity will be over; open the door of your heart and invite Him in while there is still time. Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or