The Stuff We Live With

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By Doug Creamer

The Stuff We Live With

            We keep our tropical plants in the garage for the winter. I built a special room for them but they have spilled out to the rest of the garage. When I got them all out for the summer I left the mess to clean up later. Last weekend was “later.”

            I pulled the cars out and cleaned out the plant room and then decided to sweep the garage. One corner is where I keep my golf clubs and golf balls. I haven’t used the clubs in years. It is amazing how many spiders, cobwebs, leaves, and dead grass can accumulate in the corner of a garage. Now the corner is all cleaned and straightened up.

            Another corner of the garage is my chemical corner. I keep weed killer, oil, anti-freeze, paint, and pest control products. It’s jumbled up. I decided that needed some attention. Why do I have four bottles of weed killer? There are some empty and full cans of paint. Can’t throw away the empties because we won’t remember what color we used.

            There is more that needs to be cleaned out of the garage, and the storage building could use some evaluation of its contents. I do throw some things away and I take carloads to Goodwill, but there always seems to be more that needs our attention.

            I know that we aren’t alone in our need to clean out and throw away. I have helped a number of friends move and even those who live in apartments have lots of “stuff.” Where did all our “stuff” come from?

            The more I think about this idea of excess stuff the more I realize that it is not limited to physical things in our homes. Many of us are living with lots of spiritual, mental, and emotional baggage that we need to consider unloading. The process of letting go is just as difficult with this kind of clutter as it is with the physical clutter in our lives.

            Take the challenge of forgiveness. When we are wronged by someone it can be very difficult to forgive people. When we harbor unforgiveness we have to carry it with us. It becomes a burden. Releasing the unforgiveness to God and allowing Him to deal with the person will change our lives and free us from things like bitterness.

            Forgiving others is one challenge; forgiving ourselves, another. We all fall short of a perfect life in many ways because we are human. Coming to terms with our own human faults and failures and seeking God’s forgiveness is the first step to allowing our self-forgiveness to emerge. God wants us to enjoy richer, fuller lives through forgiveness.

            There are many other areas in our lives that need cleaning out. While it feels easier to close a door and forget them, I think it’s better to deal with them. One of the ways to better physical, mental, and emotional health is through exercise. While most of us would agree that walking on the beach can do miracles for us, walking in our neighborhoods can be great for body, mind and spirit. We can clear the clutter simply by being physically active.

            We live in a world that can be very overwhelming. All these things can invade our spiritual well-being. God wants us to live with peace, joy, and His love filling our hearts. But when our hearts and minds are filled with the stresses of daily life, worries about tomorrow, and anxiety about everything, God can get pushed out.

All of these things affect and infect our spirits. They flood our hearts and minds, leaving little room for God. He wants to help us clean the clutter and make more room for Him. The help we need can come through exercise, fellowship with our church family, the prayers of family and friends, spending time alone with God and allowing His Spirit to work, digging into God’s word searching for His answers to our problems, and sometimes through the help of spiritual leaders and counselors. Clutter cleaning is work, but with God’s help we can find freedom.

            I want to encourage you to open the doors of your heart and mind and see if there are some things to clean out. The stuff keeps us from the freedom that He bought for us. God wants to help us lighten our load. When He gets stuff cleaned out there will be more room for Him. He promises that His burdens are easy and light. It may be a challenge but it will sure make life better.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or