The Tomb was Empty!

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By Ann Farabee

  • Anguish — What must it have been like for Jesus to anguish in prayer in the garden of Gethsemane? Going a little farther? Falling on His face? His sweat like drops of blood falling to the ground? Praying and asking His Father to remove the cup from Him?
  • What happened when Jesus prayed? An angel appeared from heaven and gave Him strength. When we pray, we too, can be given strength by angels from heaven.
  • Acceptance — On three separate occasions during the time of the trial of Jesus, Peter denied that he even knew Jesus. Peter had denied knowing Jesus, but Jesus did not deny knowing Peter.
  • Accusation — Jesus was falsely accused. Pilate could find no fault in Him and chose to wash his hands of the situation as the crowd cried, “Crucify Him!” The crowd also cried for Barabbas, a prisoner, to be set free. Pilate did not set Barabbas free. The crowd did not set Barabbas free. Jesus set Barabbas free!
  • Agony — Jesus was scourged, which involved using a whip with balls of lead tied to leather thongs to tear into His body. A crown of thorns was driven into His scalp. Five- to 7-inch spikes were driven into His hands and feet. On the cross, His body pulled down on His outstretched arms and shoulders, intensifying the pain. While in agony, Jesus willingly carried the weight of the cross — and the weight of the world — on His shoulders, as He bore all our past, present and future sins.
  • Assurance — As He was placed on the cross, Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” As the thief on the cross beside Jesus was dying, he said, “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom,” to which Jesus responded, “Today, you will be with me in paradise.” Blessed assurance! Jesus is ours! We are forgiven! He will remember us! As we leave this world, we will be with Jesus forever.
  • Arisen — Mary Magdalene and Mary went to the tomb and found it empty. The stone had been rolled away! Jesus was not there, He was risen! These are just a few words from God’s Word and from my heart to remind us of the greatest event in the history of the world. Jesus went to the cross, died for our sins, was buried, and rose again so that we can live forever.
  • The tomb was empty!
  • Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or