Tidbits of Truth

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By Ann Farabee

It always helps to cling to a few tidbits of truth. A tidbit is defined as a pleasing bit of information. Finding a tidbit that sticks with us throughout our day can remind us that God is for us, and if God is for us, who can be against us?

Here are a few tidbits of truth to get us started:

The impossible can happen. If we can trust Jesus for our salvation, why would we think He could not do the impossible on our behalf? If we can believe for heaven, we can believe for our circumstance. Luke 1:37 says, “For nothing will be impossible with God.”

What should we do when we are struggling? Spend time with Jesus. No matter where we are in life, He is still the potter and we are still the clay.

Can faith replace fear? Fear can come from being in a dark place in life, and a dark place is where negatives develop. Fear is a spirit, and you need to tell it to get away from you. If we are fearful, God wants to speak peace.

David knew what he was going to do before he went on the battlefield. He said, “I’m not coming in my name! I’m coming in the name of the Lord!” The giant was so big David could not have missed him!

Replace, “What if?” with “Why not?”

No one or nothing is bigger than God’s plan.

God is calling us. We are shielded by God. Don’t look back — we aren’t going that way! Philippians 3:13-14 says, “Forget the things that are behind — and reach forth unto these things which are before.”

We must press forward.

Philippians 3:14 says, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

Do we believe? God can help us with that. Lord, help our unbelief.

Adversity can change us in good ways. A potato is hard, but it changes when boiled and becomes soft. Coffee beans put in water will change the water, and we can have coffee.

God loves our worship. It lifts us up closer to Him.

1 Chronicles 16:23 says, “Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day.”

No need for me and God to stay awake. Faith honors God, and God honors faith.

Rest and be at peace — God is in control. Our weakness is an opportunity for God to use us, and His grace is sufficient for us.

Jesus is coming — take comfort in those words. They give us a true perspective of what life is about.

Our daily worries can fall away as we think about the promised return of Jesus!

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at annfarabee@gmail.com or annfarabee.com.