Time Matters

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By Lynna Clark

Can I take the time to tell you about my mom? Her name was Claudia. She was strong and very smart. She was meticulous with cleanliness, details, efficient with the day to day. She loved her family. Like me, she had three daughters and three sons by marriage, and one love from the time they were very young & newlywed. Beautiful white wavy hair. Great smile. She worked at Happy Day Care in Landis, NC for around 30 years. I think she potty trained the bulk of Rowan County. I didn’t have all the time I wanted with her.

As I mentioned on day twelve, we lost her to a horrible disease. Technically called Crutchfield-Jacob’s it is actually Mad Cow disease. Yes. Here in the US. She never travelled farther than the beaches of North and South Carolina. It is so ironic how she died. She was very careful with hers and daddy’s health. They walked 3 miles every morning and many evenings as well. We grew up on vegetables, fresh or frozen from a huge garden. Meat was for Sundays and holidays. They seldom ate out. She washed bananas before peeling in case there would be a lurking germ. Who does that? She would work cross word puzzles with an ink pen. No need to erase. I’d look at those words and think, “Woman, you are from China Grove. How do you even know what that means?” She was the youngest seventy two I have ever met. So energetic and strong, she could work circles around me. But her time here was up. God took her. She experienced at that point the ultimate healing, and for the very first time, the truest, sweetest love of a Father.

Time. We do not know how long we have to complete this mission of ours to reach all we can for Christ. But every day is valuable because it involves eternal souls who do not hear about the One Who loves them. Every day someone gives up. Every day someone loses their life to tragedy. Just today, one of my favorite radio hosts died unexpectedly. Darren, of the morning show on WBFJ brought encouragement into our home daily. And the front page of the Post has a smiling picture of a handsome young man only 20 years old, who was tragically killed on the job. His little family, wife and 1 year old daughter, had just moved here. Had anyone invited them to church? Is anyone there to take them a meal or love them through this horrible time? I still grieve the loss of my mom and I had nearly 50 years with her. People need us. Time is of the essence. Every moment matters. “Only a minute, but eternity is in it.”

Nehemiah’s project was completed in record breaking time. 52 days! Unbelievable! Pray for God’s timing. Pray for a smooth completion of all projects. Pray for the world to look on and be amazed at what God is doing on our behalf. Let them look at us as in Neh. 6:16- “They realized that this work had been done with the help of our God!” Your prayers will make a difference.