To the Class of 2023

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By Doug Creamer

            I went to thirty-plus high school graduations in my career. I enjoyed them because I knew that the school year was coming to a close and summer vacation was on the horizon. I also enjoyed the speeches that the students and principals gave during the ceremony. In the latter years of my career I would often write about the positive and encouraging words that were shared.

            I’ve been retired for four years now…where did that time go? There is a little part of me that misses the prom, where you see the students dressed up and acting grown up. I really miss the DECA club and taking the students to competitions at the local, state, and national levels. In a small way, I miss hearing the inspirational speeches at graduation.

            Graduation speeches offer a hopeful look into the future. I still believe that people can and often do choose to be kind and helpful, especially in times of great need. I hope the youth who are taking their first steps out into the world will maintain their sense of optimism.

            This new generation faces many challenges. The world is not very peaceful. Wars and conflicts abound across the globe. There are many environmental issues that need addressing, from wildfires, extreme weather, and climate change. This generation is inheriting a very politically divided nation. I hope they will find common ground and learn the art of compromise so we can recover our national unity. There are also many health challenges that they will have to figure out as our population ages.

            There are many other social, moral, mental, physical, and spiritual challenges that face our new graduates, whether from high school or college. But I believe God can inspire them to figure out how to solve the many problems we all face. When a generation rises up and seeks God, I believe God will help that generation discover the hidden truths that will unlock the answers our society and world need. I look to this next generation of scientists, engineers, teachers, doctors, politicians, and religious leaders to rise up and lead us into a hopeful and prosperous future. 

            I often wonder what kind of inspirational words I might offer a graduating class. Here are a few for the Class of 2023:

            The world wasn’t perfect when you arrived and it won’t be perfect when you leave. But I believe you have a unique opportunity to change your little corner of it. Some of you will impact the world with the next big thing we all must have or a medication that will improve our lives, but that will not be the case for all of you. The challenge I offer you today is to make a difference where God has placed you.

            God has given each of you special talents, skills, and abilities. He expects you to use those gifts to touch and change the world around you. If each of you will endeavor to make a positive impact in your community, the world will be a better place. I know you can’t help every person you meet, but help those you can.

            Look for the good in other people. Embrace differences because that creates a richer society. Take time to appreciate the beauty around you: a beautiful sunset, a rainbow, snow gently falling, walks on the beach, birds soaring, a meal with your family, and everything that brings joy and peace to your soul.

            When you become parents, pass along the gifts of kindness and love. Teach your children to seek their passions. Teach them to accept others and try to understand their point of view. Teach them to have compassion for the less fortunate. Teach them right from wrong, and that there are consequences to their actions. Teach them to love, honor, and respect their elders.

            You are graduating into an uncertain world. I believe God has planned a wonderful future for you. It will come with some challenges along the way. Challenges and difficulties are not bad; they are designed to make you a stronger, better person. Be sure to grow and maintain your faith because it will guide you through life.

            Finally, remember that no one accomplishes anything alone. We need each other. God has gifted you with unique abilities and He needs you to do your part. Keep your family and friends close. These things will make your life great: having gratitude and showing appreciation will keep your mind positive, faith and hope will sustain you through the hard times, and finally, let your heart be filled with love and forgiveness, because we all need more of both.