We Might Oughta Pray

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By Lynna Clark

Could we fast forward five or so years? Let’s project ourselves into the near future and let’s suppose our country has taken a turn for the worst. Our economy did not recover and our crops have failed due to unusual weather patterns. Food is scarce and we worry about how we will feed our families. The energy crisis has escalated, causing most to be unable to afford fuel. Traveling to work, generating income and even heating our homes are very difficult. The basic necessities of life are no longer readily available.

Would we wish we had prayed for our nation more?

Speaking to a different nation, God observes a terrible time in their economy. They are being destroyed, not by war, but by famine and disease. As their defenses crumble, other nations attack them in their helplessness. In their recent history, God had poured out all manner of blessings on them, only to have them ignore Him and His call to a change of heart.

Therefore He gives this evaluation:

“But you never ask for help from the One who did all this. You never considered the One Who planned this long ago.” –Isaiah 22:11b

“But instead, you dance and play… You say, ‘Let’s feast and drink, for tomorrow we die!’”-Isaiah22:13

Are we wise enough to pray before the same is said of us?
This series was written for our church in September 2012, almost 10 years ago. So no need to read into it any current political leanings. Instead, I hope you’ll enjoy using it as a prayer “springboard” for the next thirty days. Each day we’ll have a short out-take from the book of Nehemiah, followed by a specific prayer for our churches. For if our churches are strong, our nation will follow suit. May the Lord be honored as He hears from us.
“Make the LORD of Heaven’s Armies holy in your life. He is the One you should fear. He is the One Who should make you tremble. He will keep you safe.” –Isaiah 8:13