Weeds Again!

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By Doug Creamer

Weeds Again!

            I was determined that this year would be different. I wanted to keep my vegetable garden in better shape. I knew that by late August the weeds would probably get ahead of me, but I was determined early this year to stay ahead of them. Things were going well even through May and early June. The cooler weather was working in my favor.

            An uncle on my wife’s side of the family once told me that the best way to keep weeds out of my garden was to not plant them. I must have looked at him like he was crazy. “Who would plant weeds in their garden on purpose?” He didn’t answer me; he just looked intently at me, waiting for it to sink in. If you pull weeds when they are small, they can’t make seeds. Don’t plant weeds!

            I was keeping a close watch on things and keeping the weeds in check. I had an uncle on my side of the family teach me how to properly use a hoe. This year I have been using my hoe to effectively control weeds, but the weeds took advantage of my absence while we were traveling.

            After returning from our trip, I was distracted and the weeds kept growing. We celebrated the 4th and the weeds kept growing. Summer’s heat and humidity kicked in and I can’t handle working outside. I prefer air conditioning. Sadly, the weeds continued to gain a stronghold.

            Last weekend we did not get much rain but we did get some cool air from some storms. I got out there and attacked those weeds. I only had one little scare. I was on my hands and knees pulling the weeds when something swished by me, actually bumping into me as it passed. I will admit to an odd sound coming from me as I jumped back, unsure of what had happened.

            The culprit must have considered me an intruder to his home. It was a baby rabbit. It was about six or eight inches long. He zoomed by me so quickly I didn’t get a good look at him. I am only figuring that it was the little rabbit because we have seen one (or a few) hanging out near the garden. I think they have a nest in the garden someplace.

            So, the weeds are back under control in the vegetable garden. There is definitely some weeding that needs to be done in the daylily beds. Hopefully another thunderstorm breeze will ease the temperatures enough for me to get out there and weed those beds. The constant battle with weeds had me thinking about the weeds that can infect our thinking, which in turn affects our spiritual lives.

            Sometimes we spend time thinking about things that really don’t deserve the time they squander. We worry about things which can fill our minds with anxious thoughts. These weed-like thoughts are not always easy to remove, but if we allow them to monopolize our minds then we become less productive. God encourages us to lay our worries down in prayer and to leave them with Him. That’s not easy, but it will help declutter our thoughts and free us to think about better things.

            Many struggle with news overload. The 24-hour news stations don’t share positive and uplifting stories. They are filled with disasters and tragedies that fill our minds with bad news weeds. No wonder people are discouraged and depressed after so much negative news. We need to turn the news off and find something positive to meditate on.

            Another mind weed comes from social media. It’s fun to check in on family and friends and even to post our own updates, but to spend hours scrolling fills our minds with time-wasting weeds. Surfing TV stations can also steal valuable time and create more mind weeds. Learning to distinguish between weeds and needed rest and relaxation is important.

            I want to encourage you to clear the weeds from your mind. We all need to relax and disconnect from our busy lives, but we need to be careful what seeds are sown in our minds. Fill your mind with thanksgiving for God’s blessings. Enjoy a beautiful flower or an amazing sunset. Savor reading a good book or spending some quality time with a friend. Engage your mind with beautiful music. Focus your minds on the positive, encouraging, and uplifting thoughts. Tell a story that spreads joy and laughter. Remember and reflect on the good times with family, friends, and your spiritual life. It takes effort and intention, but the blessings will free your mind and minister to your spirit.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com