What I am Thankful for

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By David Freeze

Christmas parades, Salisbury and South Rowan, on cool clear days. I love a parade better than most and one day I will see the Macy’s spectacular edition and all those balloons in person!

Forecasts for snow and even rain, both seem exciting. Can’t wait for an early morning run in both.

Rowan Helping Ministries, Main Street Mission, and the United Way, even better when they work together.

Bell Tower Green, and for the committee and supporters who planned it and got it paid for. What a plus for downtown Salisbury and our county!

For that matter, Salisbury Community, Dan Nicholas and Sloan parks, and all the others. We all need time in the fresh air and kids need challenges on their playgrounds.

Races and events returning, some stronger than ever. I’m hoping for the biggest ever Butterball 5K at the Forum this morning. The Butterball and January’s Winter Flight returning to their home courses where all seems right.

SEC football, Davidson basketball and my beloved Yankees. The Braves won this time, the Yanks are due!

Time on the farm, working or not. Looking around to see all the things made better by hard work, sweat and often a little blood.

The men and women in blue, the fire departments and all the other first responders. Our military, as domestic and worldwide tensions seem to increase daily. How dreadful would our world be without these brave men and women?

My first granddaughter, affectionately called the Booper by only me, but known as Monroe to everyone else. This girl is going places! My daughters and their husbands too, and yes, most of my ex-wives. Celebrating Thanksgiving with them and the rest of my family.

Time to write and read for fun, to volunteer and encourage exercise and fitness. Giving of our time is without a doubt the best gift we can give anyone.

Our newspaper, the Salisbury Post. I’m glad that I can keep abreast of the local happenings and don’t have to say as often, “I didn’t hear about that!”

A long bike journey and returning home safely each time. And the book team that includes Elizabeth Cook, Andy Mooney and Jon Lakey, all incredibly talented and good friends too!

The excitement of each new day! A new and clean slate to make our own.

Precious “God moments,” those happenings that stop me in my tracks with awe. They happen almost daily on the bike rides and serve to deepen my faith each time. A spectacular sunset, an animal encounter, walking away from what should have been a very serious accident, all strokes of his broad brush.

And finally, the readers who make this column possible. I enjoy the opportunity to learn your stories and to write about them more than I can express. Count your own blessings and have the best ever Thanksgiving Day!