What I Am Thankful For

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By David Freeze

What I’m thankful for:

Salisbury being designated a national Runner Friendly Community again. First awarded in 2018, Salisbury is one of only 45 cities in the nation to be recognized.

A new pair of running shoes and the excitement each new pair brings. From a guy who is also thankful to have worn out well over 250 pairs.

The opportunity to volunteer. For what volunteers put in, they get a lot more back. Thanks to Rowan Helping Ministries, the United Way, Salvation Army and so many more for providing these opportunities.

Children, God’s treasures and grandchildren, the most delightful and cherished gift ever.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library where Dolly sends each child a book a month and has for over 25 years. The most recent was “Ten Ways to Hear the Snow.” Not just good for kids.

David Whisenant and his years of reporting on local news, betting he will find other ways to make a difference in his retirement.

Newer Salisbury Post columnists like Ashley Miller, along with all the regulars. Mike London for keeping up with all the sports happenings, while mixing in plenty of local history along the way. And Andy Mooney for making the paper look good each day.

All 100 North Carolina county seats visited during 2023 for a better understanding of North Carolina. I still have a list of a dozen or so worth a second visit.

Our list of local races, all benefiting worthy charities. My thanks to all runners and walkers who have participated this year, especially those that got their Thanksgiving Day off to a great start at The Forum’s Butterball 5K with proceeds headed to Prevent Child Abuse Rowan.

The ability to see America by bicycle or on foot and the Post and Elizabeth Cook who decided back in 2013 these ventures were worthy of coverage. All the readers, especially those that thought enough of the adventure to chip in with information and to follow along. Plus all the new friends made along the way.

The South Rowan Y Service Club and their lifetime ice cream support on these cycling adventures.

Christmas parades, good for all ages. I try not to miss one locally and always get to see people I don’t see often enough.

Law enforcement and fire departments all around the surrounding area, and all other first responders, especially those working on Thanksgiving. Our military branches, always ready.

Few regrets! Visualize yourself looking back at the end of your life. What do you wish you would have done? Make plans to go do that! Don’t leave it to would’ve, could’ve and should’ve.

Those who can find focus not on what they have lost but what they still have. We all have loss, but we have no choice but to keep going. Like a bicycle, we have to keep moving to stay balanced.

The Hatman, Charles Sloop, and all the mystery about his hats hanging on the dairy farm fence. Where have the hats and the thoughtful spelled-out sayings gone?

Hebrews 13-3 and all those who love and encourage one another.

My daughters, their husbands, granddaughter, the large group of friends and family I have been blessed with. And most of all, the Lord Thy God who has provided so many other blessings that we all have received. Don’t forget to count and share them today!