What we are made for

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By Ed Traut

Song of Songs 6:3  He is within me—I am his garden of delight. I have him fully and now he fully has me!

  • We were created to worship and love Him.
  • We have been made in His image with His own DNA, His love for us is unlike any other love that He has for any of His other creation.
  • We ought to belong to Him and our life’s journey should be one of growing and intimacy with Him.

Prayer:  My Father, how I thank You for Your salvation and Lord Jesus that You died for me.  I can not live without You and can not even entertain the thought of not walking with You.  Thank You for Your kindness and love to me through all these years.  I worship You and commit myself and my love towards You once again fresh today.  I love You with all my heart.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life