What’s Your Story?

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By Ann Farabee

What’s your story?

We all have one, don’t we?

Our stories often come from our tests

. But instead of becoming bitter, we can allow our struggle to make us better.

We can allow our test to become our testimony and our mess to become our message.

We all have a story to share that God can use to bless and encourage others. I have had some stories from my life that I did not feel the freedom to share for years because of shame or embarrassment, but God’s timing gave me the go ahead when the time was right. When, why and how do we share? We share when the Lord puts it in our spirit to share. It may be a friend in need. It may be a family member who needs help. It may be a stranger that God puts in our pathway. We share our stories because they can be related to by many who are going through similar situations.

When we share, others can find comfort, help, hope and encouragement.

Surprisingly, we ourselves — the ones doing the sharing — can find those things, as well.

We are overcomers.

Reflect with me for a moment.

Where are we?

Are we in His arms?

Are we standing in the shadows wishing we were closer to Him?

Are we headed to a distant country without even realizing we have changed directions?

Have we been in a faraway land way too long?

The amazing thing about responding to any of these questions is that no matter how far we have gone off the path — we are only one step away from that path — and all we have to do is turn around.

Ever been lost before?

Our tendency is to go a little further in hopes that we will recognize the way.

For me, that never works.

At some point, I always realize that all I need to do is to turn around.

We can overcome.

How do I know?

John 16:33 says, “These things have I spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world.”

What’s your story?

Are you an overcomer?

Lord, may we tell our story for Your Glory!

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at annfarabee@gmail.com or annfarabee.com.