When Did This Happen?

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By Lynna Clark

Just yesterday I graduated from high school. David and I took our new ten speed bikes to the beach and rode for miles. Never once did I think of the consequences of forgetting sunscreen on the tops of my legs. Well… until that night when I couldn’t sleep for the pounding of my pulse through my broiled thighs.
You know, I never planned to get old. Yet here I am, 49 years later and surprisingly…mature. So many things I want to do but can’t anymore. When did this happen? I shouldn’t be surprised. The Lord has been gently telling me for quite a while now that things would not remain the same as they were in my youth. And even though I have sense enough to apply 946 SPF sunscreen, I no longer have the strength to ride a bike on the beach.
Heavy sigh.
But look at this! Psalm 92:14 is speaking of those who love the Lord and seek to serve Him.
“Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.”
I may not look vital… or green… or even able to produce a significant amount of fruit. But according to the Word of God, He hasn’t given up on me yet. In fact I think he kinda favors old people. Some of those who were used to show off His power were waaay past their prime. Look at Abraham and Sarah; and Elizabeth and Zechariah. Both produced sons in their old age. Side note: I gave David an anniversary gift in a bag that had baby clothes on the outside. I didn’t notice what was on it, okay? But he sure did. “Are you trying to tell me something?” he asked. We got a good laugh out of that but only because it was such a ridiculous thought. That’s probably how the old couples above felt, only the joke was on them. Apparently the Lord has a great sense of humor. Or maybe… He was telling future generations that He likes using old people to accomplish His great purposes.
Folks like me.
Maybe you too. Are you feeling a little past your usefulness? May the Lord give you strength to share a little fruit with those around you today. God knows you still have a lot to give.