Work Boots

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By Lynna Clark

Do you have a mud room? Praise God we do. It’s not real highfalutin with matching baskets and labels for where everything goes. It’s just an old closed in back porch where coats, garden gloves and muddy shoes go. Another good part is that it has a door which can close all that clutter away.

I heard the best song the other morning. Chris Tomlin along with Florida Georgia Line has a song called Forever Home. It speaks of how things will be in heaven. A line from it connected with my soul. Get ready. I’m gonna sing it for you:

“We’ll leave all of our worries just like work boots on the porch…”

What a picture! A place where all the cares of life can be dropped and forgotten as we look forward to a home cooked meal and a sweet time of rest; laughter and conversation around the table with the ones we love. No one brings up the junk of the day or the worries for tomorrow because the time together is just too sweet.

What if we could start that now?
Just as I heard that song, I “happened” to be reading in the last chapter of 1 Peter. Listen to this preview of what things could be like now.
“Casting all your cares on Him for He cares for you.” -1 Peter 5:7

Oh! What a picture of trust in the Savior! So many burdens pile on us at times. Grief and pain seem to have no end.

I can’t handle it!

But He can.

Bless the Lord!

“There ain’t no tellin’ what He’s got in store…”