Catawba Runner Among Nation’s Elite

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By David Freeze

Catawba College track and field senior Winfred Porter has garnered national attention by qualifying for the USA Track and Field Indoor Championships in Staten Island, N.Y. Porter, from Loxahatchee, Florida, will compete in the 60-meter dash after running 6.71 seconds for the distance. There are 21 entries at the Ocean Breeze indoor track facility that includes other top college and professional athletes including an Olympic medalist.

Porter’s event will be shown on NBC Sports. He is scheduled to run his preliminary event at 1:19 p.m. on Saturday with the finals set for 2:54 p.m. at the Ocean Breeze indoor track facility. Jason Bryan, Catawba’s head coach for track and field/cross country, said, “We want to get this out there and let people know. This is huge for Winfred, our program and Catawba College.”

Back home, we have just worked through another cold snap with some winter weather this past week. Here are some great reasons to continue to run or exercise outdoors during the winter. Cold weather makes for better endurance, but we have to remember that hydration matters just as much in the winter even though we don’t always think as often of drinking water. I can tell on my early morning runs that heat and humidity are just a fleeting memory, or a future problem. A good chilling walk out the door makes for quicker starts and better cardiovascular output, along with the ability to work out longer. I have added distance to many of my runs recently.

Better sustained energy levels are another benefit of the cold weather. Cold air can also improve oxygen uptake which improves performance. In fact, you’ll soon realize that the workout begins to provide comfortable warmth if dressed properly. In winter running, a good rule of thumb is to dress as if the temperature is 20 degrees higher than the actual air temperature. On most days, unless wind is a big factor, you will still warm up and sweat some but not overly so by following this formula. You’ll likely burn more calories due to a higher metabolic rate.

Exercising in the cold makes for better immunity during cold and flu season. Moderate cold-weather running can reduce the likelihood of respiratory infections otherwise.

Cold-weather running or walking also aids in improved mental health as it has been shown to alleviate depression and anxiety. Running in general has long been called the best free mental therapy available. Endorphins released during the cold improve mood and focus, especially since the body isn’t having to work to battle heat and humidity. Persevering through less-than-ideal conditions in training can prepare you to cope with any forecast come time for your next workout. It is easy to get a sense of being mentally tough with a can-do attitude and a burst of confidence from conquering your own hesitation to do the workout that afterwards makes you glad you did.

Midday cold-weather exercise will add to the absorption of vitamin D, a nutrient that most of us need to supplement during the winter and one that can be a difference maker in mood and overall wellness.

Once the run or other exercise is over, the effects of the cold weather effort will aid in reduced inflammation and improved recovery, allowing for less muscle soreness and the need to plan easy days.

The upcoming beginning runners class begins on March 11 at the Salisbury P.D. at 6 p.m. Sponsors are Salisbury Parks and Recreation, Salisbury Rowan Runners, Novant Health and the Salisbury Police Department. Our next race locally is the Mt. Hope Church Run for Missions 5K and Fun Run at Salisbury Community Park on Saturday, March 29. Look for more information on these and other upcoming events at

Lynna’s Letter “F”

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By Lynna Clark

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” -2 Timothy 1:7

I used to live in fear. Even though I knew the Lord, I allowed fear to control me in every aspect of my life. Eventually I went to counseling and a very wise man pointed out this verse. For if fear is not from God, then where was it coming from? Was it of my own making? Or maybe the very pits of hell.

Hebrews 2:15 reveals that when Jesus died for us, He set us free from the fear that has kept us captive all our lives. Finally it dawned on me. Why would I choose to be a slave to fear when Christ has set me free?

Fear is a stalker and can easily rob us of rest. Instead let’s choose faith: the confidence that God truly has our best interest at heart. According to our verse for today, that is also the key to a sound mind. Wouldn’t that be nice!

God’s Ways are Amazing

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By Ed Traut

1 Samuel 17:50  So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.

  • Without a sword – not with conventional methods or the expected tools or weapons.
  • So often, God will do things beyond our comprehension just to show that He can.
  • We cannot depend upon our natural resources or strengths.  We look to God.  He may use what we have, but He certainly has resources we can’t dream of.

Prayer:  Lord, how grateful I am that I can look to You and not have to understand or even ‘work it out’but know that You have a way and You will give me victory in any way You choose, You will break through for me.  I bless You today.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Revolving Doors

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By Ashlie Miller

What comes to mind when you envision a revolving door? For many, these doors are portals, evoking childlike wonder – well, unless you are an impatient business person needing to get into or out of your building and get stuck in one in such awe.

Or your mind could go to something more jaded, considering the many businesses whose employee retention looks like an ever-rotating system of revolving doors. Gone are the days of young employees entering a small business and staying with a sense of loyalty and hope of slowly moving up the ladder. Today, any discomfort or challenge is reason enough to leave even a good company.

Many times in life, we often look at proverbial closed doors as securely locked, vaulted doors that prohibit future access. How frequently have you encountered a young, green student considering a college, a job opportunity, or an internship who sounds dejected because currently all positions are filled? It happens more frequently than likely expressed. But wisdom and time remind the seasoned that often spaces open up – someone’s life drastically changes due to a death in the family or an illness, a better opportunity presents itself for them, or they are not a good fit for an establishment. The list can go on with the vast number of situations that are unique to each individual. The persistent young heart sees these once-closed doors for what they are – a revolving door of opportunity. 

It is not limited to the young either. Even this week, I had a relaxed meeting with a friend sharing the blessing of an ideally suited job that blessed her family and became available to her because a spot opened up – one that seemed securely locked in for another. After months of thinking the door was closed, she felt a nudge to pursue the position. A revolving door made space for her. 

Are you feeling dejected because the path that seemed so sure for you seems blocked? Perhaps God is working in the life of the person currently occupying your seat. They have a journey, as well. While I am not suggesting that you pray they are fired or something bad happens to them, perhaps you can pray that God’s will be done in their life and yours. Pray they can see where God is leading them or whether or not they are suited for the position or path. Pray that the one over the position (an employer, a guide, a trainer, etc.) can quickly assess this person and their gifting and challenges and how they fit within the company, ministry, organization, or team. 

Do you see the dimmed eyes of a once-hopeful pursuer of a dream? Encourage them to keep dreaming and practice the art of persistence and growth. 

The door may be revolving.

Ashlie Miller and her family live in Concord, NC. You can email her at

Peace & Rest

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By Doug Creamer

            I sat outside and ate my lunch today. A week ago we had snow on the ground. I have heard it said so many times, if you don’t like the weather in NC then give it a couple of days and things will change. The only time I don’t think that is true is during summer. We can have some long streaks of hazy, hot, and humid weather.

            I enjoyed last week’s snow. My fellow snow-lovers got to enjoy watching it fall on two different days. Others were glad at how quickly it was gone. I went out for two walks while it was snowing. One of the things I love is how peaceful it is when it is snowing. The snow muffles sound and creates a beautiful bubble of peacefulness.

            The truth is my plate was feeling a bit full the last couple of weeks. I was constantly watching the storm’s progress on the weather models. I was preparing for some speaking engagements in the community. I was trying to get extra things done around the house. I wasn’t getting proper rest or exercise. I was beginning to feel a little anxious. 

            Being enveloped in the peacefulness of that snowfall calmed my mind and spirit. I was so happy to see the snow. My friends and family were checking with me to make sure it was snowing at my house. My joy was overflowing. The snow reduced my anxiousness and helped to restore my peace.

            I took some pictures of the snow. I loved seeing the flowers poking through the snow. Our daffodils weren’t blooming in the snow, but they sure are putting on a show today. I have some other spring bulbs that are budding. The pansies and violas look great. I guess I am feeling torn by the desire to see more snow and the hope of watching spring unfold and bring its beauty. I know most people are looking forward to spring.

            I have been thinking about the peacefulness I experienced walking in the snow. We live in a loud world. Cars and trucks are humming down the road. There is the sound of lawn mowers and leaf blowers. There were some chainsaws running in our community after the recent storms. There always seems to be noise and distractions. On top of everything else, our thoughts can clamber for attention, disturbing our peacefulness.

            I find myself hungry for the peace that surpasses all understanding. The troubles and problems of this world ebb and flow in our lives like the waves on the shore. When a wave of problems rolls in what do we do? We can all feel overwhelmed by life’s problems. We can even find ourselves wondering where this elusive peace can be found.

            I believe part of the problem is that we are looking to ourselves to solve life’s problems. While God does expect us to deal with life’s issues, He wants us to look to Him for wisdom and guidance. This is where it gets sticky. We have to learn to trust Him. His solutions are not the way we would handle them. His ways are not our ways. The peace we are looking for will only come when we are willing to lay down our ways and walk in His.

            Our lives are His. Our homes are His. Our cars are His. Our kids are His. Our church is His. Our jobs have been assigned to us by Him. All our money is His. When we begin to see that everything in our lives, including our schedules, belongs to Him then we can turn all those things over to Him. He will direct us. He will guide us. He will watch over us. He will help us find peace even when circumstances seem impossible because we can trust that He is in control.

            If you find yourself lacking peace of mind, I want to encourage you to run to Him, seek His face, and give everything to Him. We can live in peace in spite of our circumstances if we will trust Him with every area of our lives. Don’t think that I have this mastered, I find myself struggling too. I want to live in His peace, but I find the world crowding in. The peacefulness I experienced while walking in the snow stirred this desire in me that I know He will satisfy. When we choose to walk with Him and follow His leading we will discover His peace. In the good times and when problems are rolling in, we can live in His perfect peace.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Just Dust

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By Lynna Clark

“The Lord is like a father to His children, tender and compassionate to those who fear Him. For He knows how weak we are; He remembers we are only dust.” -Psalm 103:13,14

Sometimes we get the impression that God is a demanding old grouch who expects too much from us. This passage sure does make me happy. He knows how very weak I am. He knows what I’m made of. And it is not rainbows and sunshine. He knows because He made me. I am just dust. So any good thing I accomplish in my life is a joy. For how much expectation would He place on dust?

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