My Buddy

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By Ann Farabee

The morning brought a beautiful surprise – snow covered ground. Our view through the front storm door of our home gave us the best of both worlds – warmth- and watching the snow fall.

Our cock-a-poo, Buddy, stood close by – feverishly barking at each flake.

When we opened the door for one split second to see how cold it felt – Buddy darted out, as if he had been plotting his freedom for months. We ran outside in our robes, pajamas, and slippers, screaming his name, “Buddy! Buddy!” He was gone.

He had gone past his boundaries of protection – our home- and the fenced in space in the back yard where he was allowed to run freely.

The roads were difficult to traverse that day, but we started driving through neighborhoods to look for him, windows down, while crying out his name.

As darkness fell, my hope dimmed. He had never been outside the security of home – and it was a dangerous place to be. I knew by now he would be running aimlessly – trying to find his way back.

Signs were placed along the roadside. We drove daily from house to house – calling his name. Two weeks later, we received word that someone had just found him, fed him, gotten him warm, and had taken him to an animal shelter, hoping someone would come looking for him. Someone did.

He was cowered down in the corner of a cage in the shelter. I tenderly and tearfully whispered his name, “Buddy.” He looked up at me, stared for a second – dazed and confused by the surroundings – perhaps wondering how he had gotten to such a low point.

He kept looking up at me- seemingly despondent – and then slowly realizing he was looking into the eyes of one who loved him – and had been searching for him.

I whispered, “Let’s go home, Buddy.” He jumped up – barked – and began clawing his way out of the cage, as if his life was being restored. It was.

The door was opened. How that little dog was able to jump that high up into my arms, I guess I will never understand. Or was it perhaps the joy that comes from being lost and then found?

Oh, my Buddy, why did you leave the boundary we had in place for you?

*It was there for your safety – for your protection.

*You knew better – but went anyway.

*One decision took you on a journey to a place you did not want to be.

*One decision took you on a journey to a place you did not need to be.

*One decision took you on a journey to a place you did not belong.

*Not only did you suffer – but those who loved you suffered, too.

As we got in the car to leave the shelter that day, Buddy had no doubts as to whether he was forgiven and fully restored. Nor did he have concerns as to whether or not he was lost or found. He knew. He was going home.

I still am not sure if I was holding on to him – or if he was holding on to me during that ride home. I somehow think it was both.

Ann is a speaker and teacher. Contact her at or

Why are we Making Resolutions?

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By Ashlie Miller

“Mom, how long do you want to keep out Christmas decorations?” my son asked four days after Christmas. The standing rule at our house is to have things put away by Epiphany or Three Kings’ Day – not because we celebrate a full 12 days of Christmas after December 25 or the later holidays, but because that seems to be a good “this is too long” measurement for us. There is an itch to get the house reset.

January is when most of us crave a bit of order or reordering. It’s not quite a spring cleaning but more of reestablishing some things. Indeed, this post may be one of many this week talking about resolutions, goals, and words of the year – all great things to consider at this time. I wonder, though, about the “why” of it all. Why do we want order? Why in January? I know many moments of the year when I should just start all over. 

I think my answer came in my first Bible reading of the New Year. There are many reading plans that people follow, but I would venture to guess that most of them start with Genesis – appropriate since the word “Genesis” actually means “beginning.” As I read through the days of creation in chapter 1, I noticed that God separates things in the first three days – day and night, water and sky, land and water. For the next three days, He fills each environment with the appropriate creations – sun and celestials, fish and birds, animals and humans. 

Later, God says, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness,” and then He does that very thing (Genesis 1:26-27). How are we like God? How do we bear His image? These are questions I asked my 9 and 6-year-old children. We talked about what God was already doing in Genesis. He created, put things in order, and established relationships and communion with humans. As created beings, we also display that likeness. We are creative beings. We eventually get tired of our messy habitat and clean and reset it. We, too, desire relationships, even if we deny them with our apathetic actions and lack of intentionality. 

Whether you find yourself leaning into this type of goal setting or resisting the resolution urge, you are displaying a hint of the image of God. We can choose to ignore this as a divine thing. We can even label it an environmental adaptation to survive as a species. We may be completely antagonistic, but even still, we display marks of the One who created us. 

What do we do with that information? For starters, we can thank our Creator for putting that desire within us, causing us to look a bit like Him. Then, we can embrace this as an opportunity to display God within us (if He truly is) for the benefit of ourselves and others and to glorify Him. It may look like being intentional with the calendar to make space for serving others and sharing time with friends and strangers. We can also eliminate clutter in our hearts and minds. What has too much negative or ungodly influence? How can we fill the voids in our hearts? (Hint – that answer doesn’t come from within; it comes from God’s Word.)

Well, that is enough for now. Two of my sons just found a mound of stink bugs in the shed they are cleaning and organizing. I have decor sitting in front of my fireplace that I need to shelve, and I need to put something on the calendar before I forget and double-book myself.

Ashlie Miller and her husband, Chad, are reading through the Bible with the congregation of their new church family in Charlotte – Mission Bible Church.

A New Adventure

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By Doug Creamer

                We did it! We stepped into a new year. Does it feel different to you? The New Year came in quietly for us, so I believe that we are in for a nice quiet year. I know that there will be ups and downs; every year has them. I am hopeful that we will all have more ups this year, that we will see God working to bring about good things.

                 If the New Year is anything like the way I got to spend the last day of the previous year, then I am in for a treat. I got to spend the day with my younger sister and her family. Her two sons were home, but her daughter had left because she had some New Year’s plans. Ah, to be young again… One of her sons is in high school and he told me about what life is like for a freshman. Her other son is a junior at VMI and he had recently received his class ring. It was beautiful, and he told me about the meaning behind the symbols on the ring. I enjoyed hearing about the adventures in their young lives.

                Later, my sister and I took her dog for a walk. We walked and walked. Every time I thought we were heading for home, the dog took another turn. It was a great walk on a beautiful day. The walk culminated in a few peeks at the beach. We didn’t walk on the beach but we stopped to take in the beauty. The sky was crystal clear and the water was calm and twinkled as the sun reflected off it. We took some pictures, but they don’t capture the beauty and peacefulness. To have the privilege to stand there and take in a few deep breaths brought a sense of refreshment to my spirit.

                The New Year arrived in some different ways for me. I missed a few of the traditional things. But I began with a hunger for God. I quieted myself and listened for His voice. I want to know His heart for me and for the year ahead. God has already seen this year. I wonder what wonderful things He has planned for this year.

                I read the Sermon on the Mount and something jumped off the page to me. Jesus encourages us to ask, seek, and knock. Jesus says that if we ask it will be given to us. Jesus did not mean that we should ask for vacation homes or expensive cars. I think it means that we shouldn’t be afraid to ask for things that we need. Maybe you are struggling financially or you need a physical touch for healing, you should ask. God is our Father who really cares about our needs. Ask Him.

                Jesus tells us plainly that we need to seek. We aren’t supposed to seek fame and fortune. He wants us to seek Him. He wants us to know Him more each day of our lives. If we learned something new about God every day we will still be learning long into eternity. No one knows everything about God. There is always more we need to seek. The good news is that He promises that if we seek Him we will find Him. God is planning to reveal more of Himself to you if you will take on the mission of seeking Him. Seek Him and you will find Him.

                I think when God says we should knock He is implying in two specific ways. If we knock on the door of God’s heart we are going to discover an open door and an open invitation to come in. As I said, He wants us to know Him and His heart for us more and more. I believe the second invitation to knock is related to our hopes and dreams. These are the heavenly dreams God wants you to fulfill in your lifetime. It’s never too late to pursue the things God has placed on your heart. I believe God wants us to knock on the door and allow Him to guide us as we seek to fulfill His purposes. The only way doors will ever open is if we knock.

                I encourage you to ask, seek, and knock this year. You don’t know what kinds of wonderful things God has planned for you this year. The mystery and wonder are waiting just ahead for you. I strongly believe that God has some good things hidden for us that He wants us to seek out. Let’s go; it’s going to be a great adventure.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Share the Lord

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By Roger Barbee

 Here we are again! Our news is full of reviews of the past year. We have reviews of “the best” of many parts of our lives. Lists of “the best” books, movies, photographs, and more are being written about. And the end of year 2020, the one of the COVID-19 pandemic, is being rightfully celebrated more than usual. But that is not going to correct the misery of 2020.

As I type these words, two grey squirrels are in our back garden under the dogwood tree. One is under the birdfeeder searching for fallen black sunflower seeds. The other runs up the trunk of the tree, rushes down,  rolls in the mulch, sits erect, jumps about and turns somersaults, then pauses to eat a morsel before repeating its acrobatic routine. The one is acting as we expect a squirrel to act while the other’s conduct causes a mix of questions or even concern. Is the flipping squirrel rabid? Is it simply happy to be out and alive? Why is it acting in such an unusual manner while the other acts so normal? The answer is that it has parasites which are causing irritation and itch. It is trying, in its only way, to relieve its discomfort. Unfortunately, it cannot come in to our veterinarian’s hospital to have the parasites eradicated and the awful itch cured. An animal in the wild, it will continue living as it is with the parasites and their itch continuing to be a part of its life.

We are much like that squirrel with the parasites. While it is understandable that we celebrate the end of this awful year,  we will continue to live with the cause of so many of our problems such as massive deaths, a poor economy, and loss of social contacts until we fully contain  the virus. The vaccines are to be celebrated and taken when made available. However, until then we should continue to do what our school children are instructed to do. Its that simple, and it must be done, and done by all of us. If we do not, we will be like that squirrel living as best as possible with its parasites as it tries to  run, bounce, and scratch its way from them.

One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Proverbs 27:17 in which it is written that “Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” That is wisdom for any person, and it seems especially good in our time. We need to sharpen each other by sharing this load we have. It is not a time to squabble and move apart. Let us be the iron that our neighbor needs instead of being the squirrel under the feeder carrying on as usual while the other suffers it misery.

Christmas Thoughts on Giving

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By David Freeze

Each year, I think about a few things we can do for others during this magical season and finally what we can do for the best of ourselves. To begin, if you aren’t already giving of your time to others, please consider doing it. Volunteerism in its purist form is on the decline, yet what better way to give of yourself? My favorite places to volunteer may not be yours so explore the opportunities. Many of us consider volunteering during the holiday season and how we can make a difference. You’re needed year-round.

Volunteering helps counteract the effects of stress, anger and anxiety. The social contact aspect of helping and working with others can have a profound effect on your overall psychological well-being. Nothing relieves stress better than a meaningful connection to another person.

Volunteering makes you happy. The more we give, the happier we are. Volunteering increases self-confidence. You are doing good for others and the community, which provides a natural sense of accomplishment. Your role as a volunteer can also give you a sense of pride and identity. It provides a sense of purpose too while taking your mind off your own worries, will keep you mentally stimulated, and add more zest to your life.

Volunteering helps you stay physically healthy. Studies have found that those who volunteer have a lower mortality rate than those who don’t. They tend to walk more, find it easier to cope with everyday tasks, are less likely to develop high blood pressure and have better thinking skills. Volunteering can also lessen symptoms of chronic pain and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Giving blood also ramps up this time of year, and it is always easy to do and very rewarding. The American Red Cross has made giving blood so easy especially by doing the Rapid Pass to answer specific questions ahead of time. I gave blood this past Monday and it took only 50 minutes of total time. A pint of blood is needed in America every three seconds and half of us will need blood during our lifetime. Do your part and you’ll get a mini-physical exam, a shirt and refreshments, and your own gift to yourself of accomplishment. Use

And finally, we are just ahead of New Year’s Resolutions, If you are asking what the best physical activity for you is, the answer is the one you will do regularly, several times a week. Do not feel as if you must join a gym and start powerlifting to get stronger or sign up for a marathon to accomplish more cardio. Many people love walking and running for their exercise while others enjoy lifting weights. Gyms can advance your workouts through group classes.

The key to physical, mental and emotional health is to do something daily, versus once a week. Even if it is a series of 10-minute walks during work or school breaks, you can accumulate significant stress-fighting capabilities if you can build up to 45-60 minutes a day, at least 3-5 times a week. Start by walking daily, even if only for 10 minutes. Mix several stretches and calisthenics (for example, sit down and stand up several times) to work your joints and muscles. Eventually, adding in regular resistance training (lifting and moving objects or yourself) for part of the day will continue to build a stronger, more durable body and mind.

With all these things said, a great opportunity to volunteer or commit to your new regular exercise for mental and emotional health is to join us for the Bradshaw Rogers Financial Resolution Run 5K at The Forum on Monday, Jan. 1. This run/walk event is open to everyone and walkers are especially encouraged. It’s low-key and cheap at only $10 that includes plenty of refreshments, an accurate finish result and a race shirt, this time left over from other higher priced races.

Look for more information about the Resolution 5K and other events ahead at

Finishing Our Task

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By Ed Traut

John 4:34 “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.

  • It was a mega focus of Jesus to stay on point and to finish His tasks.
  • John 17:4 says He completed His task – may we be aware of our tasks and actually fulfill it.
  • We all have been given by God tasks and not one is more important than the other and we will be rewarded according to what we finish. 

Prayer:  Lord I commit my life to You and my heart to You.  Direct me, teach me and show me what Your will is for my life continually.  Keep me on task and not get distracted or diverted by something that seems to be You, but rather finish what You have appointed in my life.  I belong to You willingly and gladly and I am thrilled to be Yours.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Praying Psalm 23

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Lord, You are MY Shepherd.

I have every single thing I need, and plenty besides!

You allow me to rest in peaceful places. You gently lead me into thick grassy meadows. I lean on You and rest in Your care.

You renew my strength when I have nothing left. When cancer and sickness sap every ounce of energy I have, YOU dear God are the lifter of my head.

You guide me along right paths bringing honor to Your Name. Yes Lord! Make it so!

Even when I walk through the darkest valley…

Like when we lost our first grandson before he took a breath; when sickness took hold of our frail bodies; when we lost our ‘forever home’ and the security of our jobs, I admit… I’ve been really afraid at times.

But You dear God, YOU are faithful. You are close beside me! I know You are with me even when I can’t feel Your presence.

Your rod of protection will strike down my enemies. Your staff of comfort will keep me on the right path. You treat me so well that those who doubt my walk with You have to admit how blessed I am.

You honor me! Why in the world would You do that when You know what’s in my heart? I don’t understand why You’d pour oil on my head. Is it to heal my wounds or to give me a glimpse of days ahead when we rule and reign together?

My heart overflows with the joy of Your presence! You alone are so good to me!

I have no doubt that your goodness and love will track me down all the days of my life. When I think of being pursued by the One Who knows me best, my heart overflows!

And THEN I get to live in the home You’ve lovingly prepare just for me!

OH GOD! How blessed I am to know You! Praise Your sweet holy Name!

Christmas miracle

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By Ann Farabee

When I was growing up, Christmas was very special. My parents went above and beyond. Christmas food was plentiful for at least a week. Christmas gifts seemed to be much more than we deserved and probably more than my parents could afford.

On Christmas Eve, as I was in the bedroom I shared with my two siblings, I would always listen for sounds of Santa moving around in our living room where the Christmas tree and the chimney were located. Apparently, Santa would never arrive until after I fell asleep.

After a long restless night for me, it would still be dark when my father would come into our room and loudly say, “Looks like somebody’s been here!” That was our signal that it was time to get out of bed and go see what Santa had left for us under the tree.

Our living room would be covered with gifts, especially after they had been unwrapped and the wrapping paper was strewn everywhere. We would spend our entire day looking through our gifts, trying them on, using them, playing with them or looking for batteries. Santa never left batteries. Late in the evening on Christmas Day, when it was time to go back to sleep, we would try to find the perfect spots to keep the gifts. This comment was always made at the end of the day from my father, “Santa sure was good this year.”

The day was over. But, even though the gifts had been opened and put away in their new home, I was still happy, although the decorations and lights from the tree had been put back in the attic for another year — and were now only memories.

The star on top of the tree was often the last memory of Christmas to be put away. It was a gold star with a white light behind it. It was beautiful, and I always handled it very carefully, because to me that star felt like one of the most important parts of the holiday.

I still think of that star. Just looking at it seemed to tell a story of hope — just like it did that night at the manger when the Light of the World was born.

Just like it did when the wise men saw that star and followed it to worship Jesus, the One who had been sent to be born in a manger, so that he could grow up as the Light of the World who would save the world!

Just like the gold star with the white light that I would take out of its box year after year and place on my family’s Christmas tree, it still shines in my heart.

I love that Christmas will always be special, no matter our age.

I love that Christmas will always be a time of good tidings of great joy.

Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men.

Lord, thank You for peace, joy, love, and salvation that we have because of Jesus. Amen

It truly is a Christmas miracle! Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker.

Contact her at or

Fertilizer Years

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By Ashlie Miller

Are you reflecting on the year this weekend and looking forward to the coming year? Our calendar begins the year “January” as a tribute to the Roman god Janus, who, with two faces, looked at beginnings and endings, transitions, and passageways. You may reflect with great pleasure and look forward with anticipation of great things. Maybe you pray Psalm 65:11, “You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance.”

Perhaps you look back, however, with a sigh and sorrow. The late Queen Elizabeth II referred to 1992 as her “annus horribilis” (Latin for “horrible year”). A significant fire upon Windsor Castle and scandal after scandal within the marriages of her adult children certainly brought much scrutiny and criticism. The effects of the pandemic in 2020 may have made that year an “annus horribilis” for you, or perhaps you have another year (or two!) that you look upon with sadness and grief.

Back in 2018, when my husband and I were dealing with many issues in parenting, ministry, and a new diagnosis of what would eventually lead to a terminal illness in my family, I recall equating the season to a “crappy year” (a word I am not prone to use freely). My husband, who could greatly empathize but is always optimistic, responded, “These are the types of years that can be fertilizer years.” Like the prepackaged bags of nutrient-rich plant food filled with their pungent odor, “fertilizer years” come into our lives to promote growth. Undesirable things like scraps, debris, decay, and other unmentionables are the ingredients that make fertilizer. The same can be true of what a year can hold for us. It may be smelly and feel more like punishment or even judgment, but years like this can lead to self-analyzation and asking our Creator and Savior to reveal any hindrances to our growth and “lead us in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24). Maybe it is not a fertilizer year of our own making. We are in a flow of burdens we did not take on. These burdens placed upon us hopefully call others in the community of Christ to step in and help us carry them (Galatians 5:6). Sometimes, however, the weight is so crushing and personal that even the fellowship of believers is not enough to lighten it. It is a time to lean into the Maker and Sustainer (Psalm 55:22).

God is at work. He often works deep in the ground, below the surface, at the root. Though tilling, watering, and pruning are all effective in our growth, eventually, a dose of fertilizer is necessary. They are things we would not ask for – relocation, death of a loved one, a new diagnosis of a chronic or even life-limiting illness, the loss of a job, death of a dream, a closed door – so many things that will happen in a broken world and can often pile up in a small window of time. Still, they are God-ordained in their timing in life.

It can be enough to throw up our hands in despair; for a moment, we may. Hopefully, it drives us to our knees, in submission, with hands of surrender and accepting our reality. There, in trouble, God meets us (Psalm 46:1-3). He communes with us (1 John 1:3). He lifts our heads (Psalm 3:3). He reminds us He has abundant love for us (Psalm 86:15).

As you reflect on your year, whether in joy or despair, I pray you see the goodness of God and look forward with hope and anticipation of growth. If not, I pray you reach that point by leaning into the Father. There is still time.

Ashlie Miller is certainly no gardener, but she cultivates her home with her husband, Chad and their five children in Concord, NC. Email her at

Preparing for What is Ahead

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By Doug Creamer

            The packages have been unwrapped. The paper is lying around. The bows and ribbons are tossed here and there. The delicious food has been consumed. The beautiful music still wafts from the speakers. The baby Jesus has finally landed in the manger.

            Sometimes I like the days after Christmas about as much as I like the day itself. It’s peaceful and quiet. We have some instrumental Christmas CDs that I enjoy listening to after it all winds down. The music lifts my soul and I find myself softly humming the words I know so well. There is no hustle and bustle, no rushing here or there. There is no list to get done. There is time for a few quiet moments sitting by the Christmas tree, time to reflect and be thankful for all the new memories that Christmas brought.  

            I really didn’t want to get up from my recliner even though there were some things to do. Eventually, I got up, only to be pulled back later in the day. The house was quiet, other than the music playing softly. I love so much about the Christmas season. I want to allow myself to soak in the wonder and joy of the season for more than just one day.

            When I finally moved from the recliner it was well after noon. I looked out my window and saw it was raining. I wanted to grab a book and return to my recliner and read by the light of the Christmas tree. That needed to wait until lunchtime. I needed to get going. There was laundry, dishes, and the Christmas wrappings that needed to be cleaned up.

            I enjoyed seeing the Christmas cards that are neatly displayed. I read a Christmas letter from a relative that I missed. The house was humming. It was the sound of the dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer all working in the background. Their hum couldn’t squash the hum in my heart. I headed back to the computer to write my column. I was still in my sweats, humming some Christmas tune.

            I looked out the window and saw our humble manger sitting in the rain. I knew I needed to get focused on my column, but the quietness of the day kept calling me. Two snowmen sit on my desk, smiling at me in spite of the warm rain that was falling outside, mocking them. I chuckled at their cheeriness and wondered if I might be able to build them a friend. The weathermen are predicting snow for this winter; I hope they are right.

            My calendar hangs beside my desk, informing me that we only have a few more days left in 2023. The tasks of the day were calling to me and yet I found myself wanting to linger here quietly with you on this damp and cloudy day. I swear it’s not laziness that kept me here; it’s the peacefulness that was stirring within me. I was afraid if I “got busy” that this refreshing peace would ooze away.

            I received a new calendar for Christmas and soon I will have to get it out. While a part of me longs to stay right where I am, I know we must move forward to whatever adventure lies ahead. We know that God has good things planned for our future. But we also know that there will be challenges that we must all work through. The good news is that we don’t have to do any of those things alone. God will be with us.

            As we turn the page and begin a new chapter called 2024, we can know that God has gone before us and is preparing us for the wonders that lie ahead. There is no fear for 2024. There is only hope and excitement for all the good treasures that God has hidden for us. He is a good Father who loves us more than we can imagine. We know He gives good gifts because we have just celebrated the most wonderful gift of all, Jesus born in a stall.

            So, as we prepare for what is ahead, I want to encourage you to put your faith and trust in God. He knows our future because He sees our future. We don’t have to worry because our lives are in His hands. We can have confident faith in God, and expectant, pregnant hope for the future, and His perfect peace that will guard our hearts and minds as we enter 2024. I bid you a Happy, Joyful, Faith-filled, Peaceful, and Magical 2024!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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