Chirping Sparrows

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By Roger Barbee

This morning’s ride on the stationary bike began earlier than usual. When I had uncovered the bike and adjusted every detail to begin my five-mile workout, the small grove of 14 pine trees between our road and me were still shrouded in soft, morning shadows. Because of the crisp December wind, I hurried to get moving in order to create some warmth because the sun had yet cleared the horizon of Lake Norman.

Before too long, my rotations on the stationary bike began to create a stronger blood flow, and I sensed a rise of temperature. While no sweat dripped from my brow, the steady wind was not now causing as much discomfort as it was just a few minutes before. The rhythm of the ride steadied, and as my arms flowed into it my entire body joined. It was then that I noticed a small movement in the pine tree grove next to me. Then I saw another and another and another.

I watched as I cranked the bike. The small sparrows were busy looking for a morsel or more on the ground under the 14 pine trees. Because of the morning shadows I could not see the sparrows as clearly as I wished, but by the small bodies and action, I think that I was seeing a morning flock of chipping sparrows. It seemed that when I saw one, I saw another. Their constant movement along the ground prevented any accurate count, but I was more interested in how they were almost indistinguishable from a pine needle or piece of pine bark or a fallen leaf from one of the dogwood trees. When I thought I was seeing a chipping sparrow, the breeze would blow the leaf across the ground. But I saw many as they flurried across the ground in search for food. Then they quietly disappeared, leaving me to now have time to notice the first sun rays grace the grove’s shadows.

 I have watched many sunrises from this postage stamp of earth where I ride each morning. All of them are the same, but all are different. They are like people in that way. But no matter, I watched this one as I shifted to a higher gear for more resistance. I wanted the heat created by the harder riding, but I also wanted the warmth the sun would give. And I also needed to observe it, aware that the rotating earth and nature’s way would not wait. Aware of the moment,  I watched as the sunlight first graced the tree tops across the road in Ken’s yard and, clearing the housetops on our side of the lake, cast shadows of morning on the pine forest floor where the chipping sparrows had just been. Soon the shadows under the pine grove disappeared,   its needle covered floor revealed by soft, early morning sunlight. Deep shadows, chipping sparrows, and a morning moment replaced by another as the day, like all days, made its offer.

I began my warm down, but I still looked at the day begin. Watching the sun rise, seeing its rays break the grip of night, and feeling its warmth, I applauded its promise and the hope of that promise. A new day that would resemble yesterday and tomorrow, but one that had its own personality and potential. Its own hope. The Pharisee turned Christian, St. Paul, writes in Romans—“we are saved by hope.”

During this time of pandemic, shrill voices, and violence, , let us all remember those words of St. Paul. We have and are saved by hope. Hold to that and do not let it flit away like that flock of chipping sparrows. Hold hope. Better is coming.

Going for a Walk @ Rowan Helping Ministry

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By David Freeze

On Saturday, Dec. 9, five guests from Rowan Helping Ministries participated in their first ever 5K. The Santa Run at Sloan Park boasts a beautiful rural course that was hosted this year by the Country Life Museum. All proceeds, including donated canned goods and used running shoes, go to Rowan Helping Ministries.

The five guests are the graduates of an eight-week organized walking class, and none had ever completed the 3.1-mile distance before. Over the eight weeks, others came and went, but the graduates learned about the many benefits of walking and regular exercise, eating the right foods, stretching and what to expect on race day.

Ron Overton is a 61-year-old veteran of 23 years in the Air Force and a native of New Jersey. He has been at RHM for three months. He said, “I loved the whole experience, especially Bigfoot and even walking through the cow manure on the road as we passed the dairy farm.”

From northwest Pennsylvania, 75-year-old Cheryl Poli moved to this area in 2008. She’s been in Salisbury for five years and at RHM for seven months in hopes of getting back on her feet. She said, “I loved the country fresh air, the people and the camaraderie. I was sweating by the turnaround. The bagels and other snacks were wonderful as were Locke and West Rowan Fire Departments who kept us safe on the roads.”

The oldest of the group at 82 years, Mary Lucy Dowd said, “I always liked walking but had stopped for the last five years. I didn’t get tired, but I am glad to have finished because I didn’t want anyone to have to pick me up.”

Like the others, the class got 56-year-old Pam Bradshaw from Rowan County walking more. Pam said, “I liked seeing all my friends in the class. Good job on having us in the race, but next year I want to run/walk it. I missed Bigfoot, but I love all the photos from the event.”

Kelly Cooper is 54, originally from Charlotte, and has been at RHM since mid-June. She said, “I am so glad that the 5K proceeds come here because they are helping people like me. We all have our own individual circumstances. The scenery for the race was so beautiful, including just three houses and three hills. I was so grateful for being able to participate but was especially happy to see the finish line.”

Ron, Cheryl, Kelly, Pam and Miss Lucy are actively working with their case managers to find affordable income-based housing in our community.

Rowan Helping Ministries Executive Director Kyna Grubb said, “At Rowan Helping Ministries, we believe in fostering holistic well-being for our guests, and we recognize the profound connection between physical and mental health. Witnessing the transformative effects on our shelter guests as they took part in the Salisbury Rowan Runners walking class and 5K Santa Run inspires us to continue creating opportunities that not only address basic needs but also support the long-term physical and emotional well-being and resilience of those we serve.”

Cooper, Bradshaw, Poli and Dowd all earned age group awards. SRR members Matthew Weaver, Amanda Lewis, Connie Hoffner and Lynn Furr encouraged and walked with the RHM guests for training, and especially enjoyed their time talking while walking. Title sponsor for the event was Global Contact Services. Other major sponsors were Biscuitville, Shaver Wood Products, The Trophy House, Jeremy Carter Law, RLC Associates and Novant Health. The next eight-week session will begin the first week of February. Participants meet in the New Tomorrow’s training room and walking sessions are done on the area sidewalks.

Two recent running books worth considering as Christmas gifts for your runner family and friends are “The Longest Race” by Kara Goucher and Des Linden’s “Choosing to Run.”

Our next local race is the Bradshaw Rogers Financial Partners, Inc. 5K at The Forum on Jan. 1, 2024. It’s a great way to kick off your year.

Look for this and other events at


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By Ed Traut

Psalms 4:3 Know that the LORD has set apart the godly for himself; the LORD will hear when I call to him.

  • Those that belong to the Lord are set apart by Him for His purpose and plan and have a special place in His focus. 
  • God chose us, we did not choose Him.
  • We have this confidence, because we belong to Him that He hears us when we call.

Prayer:  Hallelujah!  I rejoice today that I belong to You that You chose me.  I can not even thank You enough for choosing me.  I want to be and I am thrilled to be Your child and to belong to You.  I want nothing else.  I praise Your holy name.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Saving the Best for Last

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As we walked toward the house I called David over to see what was poking through the leaves. “Look! Here’s more!” Like a kid finding Easter eggs I get so excited to see hosta coming up each year. As we rounded the house a few bright tulips nodded approval as we moved pine needles out of the way in search of more hosta. My favorite chartreuse variety springs forth a little later. It’s barely starting to show. Azaleas are full and brightly blooming along with the dogwoods. I thought to myself, “Too bad everything doesn’t look its prettiest all at the same time. What a show that would be!”tulips

David however, being the positive one of us commented. “I’m glad they don’t all bloom at once. Now we have stuff to look forward too, just like life.”

Soft white dogwood petals drifted to the ground like snowflakes. Easter has passed so they have permission to let go. Orange breasted robins play in their midst in anticipation of babies to come. Bright green grass fills in the muddy spots where snow once lingered. All of nature joins together in a song of worship as even the rocks cry out, “He lives, people, He lives! Why sit hopeless with your curtains drawn when a soft spring rain falls, sweetly watering all He’s created? For if He dresses us so beautifully and feeds us so well, will He not also take care of you?”Hosta3

As we moved indoors I sat by the window watching the rain fall as the birdbath filled to the brim. Dogwood petals continued to float softly downward. Soon my favorite tree will be clothed in the bright green leaves of summer. Daffodils which were the first to announce the coming spring have too quickly wilted. Though they’ll be back next year bringing hope at the end of winter, they too confirm that not even this season will last forever.

Someday we’ll meet the Lord face to face. As beautiful as this earth is, heaven is bound to be breathtaking. That’s probably when everything will finally bloom at once, for the Lord is surely saving the best for last!

We’ve really got a lot to look forward too!

The Lord is Our Shepherd

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By Ann Farabee

While on a field trip to a farm with my 20 kindergarten students, we saw some sheep. You know — those beautiful pure white animals that softly and gently say, “Baa.”

Even though they were in a fenced-in area, and my students were safely huddled around me, I laughed when one of the sheep emitted a true, “BAA!” Every student backed away, immediately and collectively, sticking closer than a brother to their classmates. Seriously, though. That “BAA” was really loud! Plus, that fleece was nowhere near pure white! Some sheep stats for ‘ewe’ to read:

• They have no survival skills.

• They will follow the sheep in front of them, even off a cliff.

• They bleat, grunt, rumble, snort. (BAA is a bleat.)

• Their main defense mechanism is to run.

• Most die because of predators or from stress.

• They have poor vision.

• They feed from dawn to dusk.

• They are often referred to as being dumb. Some shepherd stats for ‘ewe’ to read:

• They guide their sheep to the best pastures.

• They are skillful, guard, lead, correct and teach.

• They tenderly search for sheep that stray.

• They protect their sheep from harm.

• They bind their wounds when they are hurt.

• They nurture them through health problems.

• They shear and clean them to provide better mobility and decrease stress.

• They anoint them with ointment to bring comfort when troubled by insects, so they can rest.

• They stay with them during the darkness of night, keeping them safe.

• They put the welfare of their sheep above their own lives.

Those sheep. They sure are needy.

Those shepherds. They sure are good.

John 10 says that Jesus is the good shepherd, and the good shepherd gives his life for his sheep. He knows his sheep. He calls them by name. They know him.

Say this aloud: The Good Shepherd. Beautiful words, aren’t they?

We like sheep have gone astray. We sure are needy, aren’t we? The Lord is our shepherd, and we shall not want.

We once were lost but now are found. He sure is good, isn’t He?

I don’t know how you feel while reading this, but I sure was thanking God while writing it!

It makes me just want to look toward heaven, lift my hands in praise, and cry out to Jesus, “Baa…baa. I need You, Lord! Thank you for being my Good Shepherd!”

If we truly get a glimpse of how much our Good Shepherd loves and cares for us, I don’t think we will need to count sheep to help us get to sleep tonight!

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or

Love Came Down

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By Ashlie Miller

Christmastime is a season of showering others with love in many ways – giving gifts, spending quality time with family and friends, giving more hugs than usual, sending greeting cards wrapped in encouragement, and serving by hosting, helping, and assisting. Our love tanks can be full if we are on the receiving end. However, if we are the givers and trying to show this love from within ourselves, it can leave us feeling depleted and exhausted rather than hopeful, peaceful, and joyful. 

Genuine love does not originate from within ourselves. It comes from heaven because:

“Love Came Down at Christmas”

Love came down at Christmas,

Love all lovely, Love Divine,

Love was born at Christmas,

Star and Angels gave the sign.

Worship we the Godhead,

Love Incarnate, Love Divine,

Worship we our Jesus,

But wherewith for sacred sign?

Love shall be our token,

Love be yours and love be mine,

Love to God and all men,

Love for plea and gift and sign.

(Christina Rosetti)

Jesus Christ, as truly God and truly man, was born for Christmas – even if His birth was not in December. As my Uncle Doug recently said to a young cashier in the checkout line who argued this point, “What matters is that He was born into my heart!” Love naturally manifests within the Godhead because God is love (1 John 4:7-9) and overflows into humanity as the pinnacle of creation – not because God needed us, but because He purposed to share that love for our own sake that we would know that kind of love.

The love of God is too vast for one column or even a robust paper. Here are only a few descriptions that come to mind: 

God loves us so much He sent Jesus, his only Son (John 3:16). The Father’s love is abundant (Psalm 86:15), an enduring love (Psalm 136:26), a faithful love (Deuteronomy 7:9), and love that allows us to be called “children of God” (1 John 3:1).

The love of Christ is one from which no temporal, earthly threat can separate us (Romans 8:35-39) and a limitless, unmeasurable love (Ephesians 3:18). He loves us so much that He willingly left the glory and love in heaven to dwell among men, Emmanuel. “All for love’s sake became poor” (from the song “Here I am to Worship”). Because He first loved us, we can begin to love others (1 John 4:19). Our very capacity to love is a gift from God! Because of that gift, as Christians, love should naturally overflow so that we can love one another (1 John 4:11). Our love for one another marks our very identity as disciples and Jesus-followers (John 13:34-35).

If you are a fellow believer, we can walk in love, with love, to love this season with hope, peace, and joy. If you do not know this gift of Jesus and the love of God, I pray you are on the receiving end of abundant love this season. 

Ashlie Miller is a pastor’s wife and homeschooling mom residing in Concord, NC. You may reach her at

Are You Ready?

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By Doug Creamer

            It’s almost Christmas…are you ready? We have been working on some last-minute details around here. I have a few errands to do and one final run to the grocery store. I always leave the wrapping until the end. Now, where is the baby Jesus? He has to be around here somewhere.

            It is hard to get everything ready on time. I think it takes me longer to do things as I get a little older. I am semi-retired; I should have more time. It seems like there is more to do than there is time to get it all done. Sometimes I sit down by the Christmas tree to catch my breath.

            I have attended a few gatherings this year and I determined ahead of time that I was going to be present in the moment. Sometimes we allow our schedules to drive us and the clock to determine where we need to be. I have purposefully slowed down to be with friends and family. I want to enjoy and remember the moment. I want to live and be present in the moment.

            I think about the craziness of my schedule and how I am inching my way through the list of things that I must get done. Then I begin to consider what it must have been like for Mary, the young mother of Jesus. All the craziness that I am enduring does not compare to what this young mother must have gone through to bring Jesus into the world.

            We have to remember she was only a teenager. I taught teenagers for over thirty years. A number of my students had babies through the years. In my mind, they were children having children. It’s challenging to raise a child today. Can you imagine what it must have been like in Nazareth?

            Can you imagine the challenge that Mary and Joseph faced trying to take a four day journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem because Caesar ordered a census? I am sure they would have preferred to wait for a more convenient time. Can you imagine their desperation, wanting to find a place to have the baby after the long journey? She had the baby in a dark, damp, and smelly cave where animals were put on cold winter nights.

            I imagine Mary struggled as she dealt with people thinking she was a morally lose girl who couldn’t wait for her wedding night. She knew she was a virgin, but who would believe her story? We know Elizabeth believed her, which had to be comforting. We hope that Joseph trusted and believed her, but he may have struggled with doubts of his own.

            I wonder if Mary and Joseph struggled with feelings of failure for the way they welcomed Jesus into the world. The best they could do was a cave? Yet God wanted them to know that He was more than proud of them by sending shepherds to congratulate and welcome His Son into our world.

            Sometimes we might feel like failures. Sometimes we think that maybe we missed God and His plans for our lives. We look around and think that maybe we didn’t accomplish enough for God. We wonder if maybe God might be just a little disappointed for trading His Son for someone like us.

            I want to be perfectly clear…God is absolutely proud to call you His son or daughter. You please Him just by being yourself. You didn’t miss God! Your heart has been in love with Jesus, His Son. Your desire has been to serve Him. You may wonder if you chose the wrong profession, but God needs representatives in EVERY profession to be lights for Him. He needs people where you are to let those walking in darkness see the light of His love. You are that beacon of light. You are that wellspring of hope. You are God’s love to them.

            I imagine that Joseph and Mary worried about every aspect of Jesus’ birth and upbringing, but God was with them, helping them every step of the way. I believe that God is with you, too. I want to encourage you to open your heart to God’s love this Christmas. He still offers peace on earth for you, if you will accept Him. He has answers for all that you are going through in life. It may not be easy…remember, Mary and Joseph didn’t have it easy bringing Jesus into the world…but I promise you He will help you each step of the way.

            Behold…the Savior of the world has come. Welcome Him. Merry Christmas and may God richly bless you this holiday season.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Being First

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By Roger Barbee

 In many situations being first is desired. Athletes train to be first in order to stand alone. Explorers take risks to be the first to reach an objective, such as a mountain peak, which will likely be named in the explorer’s honor. Students study to be first in their class to reap scholastic rewards. The winners in professional sports are richly rewarded by fan adulation and huge salaries.  In our culture, to be the first is to be special and successful. Being first is associated with being a winner, and the rewards for that will be vast.

However, there is one first that I wonder about, and that is being the first child. I wonder what it is like being the child on which parents work to perfect their parenting skills? What is it like being the child who is expected to help after the younger siblings arrive? How does the first child react to expectations that he or she had but that are not later made of the younger ones?  Does the pressure of being the yardstick for all children in a family ever lessen? How old does the first child have to be before the remark, “You’re too old,” stops hurting or stinging? How damaging is the mantle of adulthood placed too soon on young shoulders, and does it sometimes cause them to sag?

            As I type these words, all six children of my mother cover the range of the 70 aged group. But in a few days, the oldest, a girl, turns 80. Once again, she will lead us into a novel age decade. Yet she has led us before because she is the oldest: Into Marriage: On being the first parent;  She would be the first college graduate; She led us into and through many life experiences. In many ways, she showed us how to navigate life’s water.

            At one time the seven years between my older sister and me was a chasm too deep and wide to cross. But as we aged, that space between us grew smaller, and we developed a kinship that was not possible when, for instance, I was thirteen and she was twenty. The family baby is ten years younger than the girl who soon turns eighty, but those ten years are now nothing more than dates on a calendar. Life and aging have a way of closing such gaps, reducing the space that once seemed insurmountable.

            Our mother, a divorced mother of six children, worked hemming washcloths in Plant 1, Cannon Mills. Her life was hard, but her unconditional love covered us. Later after she retired and needed help to live in her mill house on South Juniper Street, my four sisters took turns spending a week at a time with her. Each Tuesday at Noon one sister would arrive, and one would leave. This rotations was done in their birth order, so for this loving gift, the oldest child was once again the first. Many observations and stories came out of the ten years my sisters cared for our mother. One often repeated story is how they all heard our mother walking through her three-bedroom mill house softly repeating over and over, “Just me and my six little children.” Each sister would share feelings about her time with our mother, and the oldest told me more than once, “Those days brought me peace with our mother.”

            Tobie now lives in the same neighborhood with her closest sibling, a girl two years younger. While that younger sister will soon enough turn eighty, the best thing of all is that they again share much of living just as they did when they shared the front bedroom of our mill house with another sister. Ponder that: Three adolescent girls sharing one bedroom!

            Life lived and shared, and Tobie was and is the first in so many ways. Some of those ways undoubtedly were difficult. Some were joyous. But all along the path she traveled, she left blazes–marks easy for her younger siblings to find and follow.

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