Where is God?

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By Ann Farabee

As a children’s Sunday school teacher for many years, I was often asked this question, “Where is God?”

My response: God is in heaven.

God is in our hearts.

Another question often asked was, “Is God watching us?”

My response: The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous.

His ears are open to our cry.

He sees the past, present, and future of our lives.

He never sleeps nor slumbers.

His eyes are constantly watching us.

He is our hiding place.

He preserves us from trouble.

He surrounds us with songs of deliverance.

He instructs us in the way that we should go.

He guides us.

These are a few of God’s Promises in the book of Psalms.

How can that be?

As I typed these words, God was speaking to my heart. Those words totally wreck my heart.

To say God ‘wrecks my heart’ is slang for a state of euphoria. Euphoria means experiencing pleasure, excitement and intense feelings of well-being and happiness.

How in the world could I have a state of euphoria?

I am old. I am tired.

I forget things.

I am busy.

One of my favorite statements seems to be, “It is always something.”

When I say those words, a sigh usually accompanies them.

But then I remember the goodness of God! And I thank God — for everything!

God is a miracle that we all have access to.

He will come live in our hearts.

The Holy Spirit is God’s spirit, God’s power, God’s breath, God’s active force and influence over the universe and His creations. God created us in His image, and He speaks to us through the Holy Spirit.

Jeremiah 31:33 says, “I will put my teachings in their minds. And I will write them on their hearts.”

In our minds. On our hearts.

He is our God.

We are His people.

What more could we ask for from our Savior, Jesus Christ? Incredible. Amazing. Extraordinary. Magnificent. Wonderful. Marvelous. Spectacular. We are God’s people!

Where is God?

He is everywhere!

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at annfarabee@gmail.com or annfarabee.com.

Peace from Pieces

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By Ashlie Miller

A familiar scene if you love the movie “A Christmas Story” – mother and the old man are sitting together, sipping a drink, and looking outside after an explosion of wrapping papers thrown about by Ralphie and Randy on Christmas morning. My husband and I have grown to resonate with this scene in the last several years. My husband has intentionally taken PTO the week after Christmas because it provides a peaceful culmination after a busy year, much less a busy month. Ideally, there may be a chill in the air, even cold rain, forcing us to embrace the peaceful surroundings of the home.

Peace is often like that, arriving after much chaos rather than the self-realized ethereal feeling that one seldom actually can achieve. No, real peace can come after devastation and destruction because real peace is a Person – Jesus Christ.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (John 14:27.) Wait! “Let not your hearts be troubled or afraid”? Why would Jesus say that after declaring the peace He would leave them?

In a class I co-teach weekly, we recently referenced entropy in the second law of thermodynamics (no, this isn’t a science class – it’s a Biblical foundations class). Over time, systems become more disorderly and uncertain. We began discussing that if a bomb goes off, the result is disorder, death, and chaos rather than wholeness and order. One young man offered this thought – “But didn’t the bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 end up in peace?” Naturally, we explained that we meant the literal consequences of shrapnel and pieces on cities and people. But that got me thinking – maybe this young man is right. Order and peace after devastation.

Consider Mary. After 400 years of silence from God – no prophets, no angels making appearances – suddenly Gabriel appears with news and a message. Although prefacing the message with a “Fear not,” he gives Mary the news that she will be with child, but not just any child, THE Child who will be the promised Messiah. While Mary’s response was worshipful and grateful to serve humbly, would that have been my response or yours? The pregnancy was not the result of sinful actions. This was what God was allowing her to experience – and it would result in shame and loneliness. It could have resulted in her death. And yet, there she is, worshiping immediately after the bombshell news. Why?

Think about your life, maybe even this year – has a bomb dropped into your lap? Did it meet you with despair and grief, leaving you to wonder about God’s love, goodness, and purposes for you? As you look at the shrapnel of broken pieces – dreams, hopes, plans – do you wonder if you can ever be whole and useful? What was the purpose of all of this anyway?

Before you continue in a tailspin, consider – God delights in using broken pieces because it brings Him glory. The Person of peace, the Prince of Peace stepped down from heaven to be among men to find broken pieces and put them together to bring restoration and healing.

God allowed Mary to be put into a position of shame to bring peace ultimately. Could He be looking at the fragments from the explosion in your life as a way to bring you to peace with Him? We already know from last week’s Advent candle that Hope and Faith give us the confidence to believe in Him. It is not merely blind faith built on nothing. Imagine walking in that confidence and experiencing true Peace with God this holiday season. It is possible because Peace is a Person who dwells among us.

Ashlie Miller is wife to Chad Miler, pastor of Mission Bible Church in Charlotte, NC. Together they are parents of five children in Concord, NC.

Character & Choices

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By Doug Creamer

            I have talked with several guys recently who were trying to get a new job. The conversations quickly turned me back into a teacher. I started to pour into these guys all the knowledge I have about the job search process. While there are some basic things that still hold true about the job search process, I have not kept current with all the new methods. So the teacher was doing a little learning in these conversations.

            One thing we can all agree on is that employers are seeking candidates with some character. I would like to clarify here. There are some guys that I know whom I might describe as characters in a fun and joking manner. These are the kind of men you want around you in both good and bad times. They will be right there to help you whatever you might be going through. But you better have some thick skin because they will pick on and tease you and keep you laughing. Some people might call them characters, but I prefer to call them friends.

            In the job search process, character refers to the way you live. A former principal and the faculty I worked with at East Davidson worked tirelessly to instill moral character in our students. It’s doing the right thing regardless of the circumstances. It’s giving your best every day. It’s being an employee that an employer can trust. It’s being faithful to your job and your employer. It’s working hard with a strong work ethic. If you have character you are the employee every employer wants working for them.

            People with strong, moral character make good choices. We all have opportunities every day to make choices. Sometimes we make the good and right choices, and sometimes we make the wrong choices. Why is that? Simply because we live in a fallen world and we are only human. We are going to make the wrong choice sometimes. Someone with good character strives to make the right choices in life.

            Making the right choice affects every area of our lives. How we treat our supervisors and co-workers reflects on us. The way we interact with customers or sales staff says a lot about who we are to the world, which watches us closely. Many people will not go to church, but they will interact with you, and they will base their decision on whether to become a Christ-follower on your interactions with them. I have heard it said that you are the only Bible some people will ever read.

            I gave the sermon at our church on Sunday because our pastor was traveling. In the message I told our congregation that God chose Mary and Joseph based on their character. Joseph was a man of integrity who didn’t cheat his customers. God was looking for a good man who made right choices to raise His Son. Mary was also chosen to help raise Jesus in a loving family. Both Mary and Joseph had to be people of great faith who could be trusted with the highest calling I can imagine, raising Jesus.

            I still believe that God is in the business of looking for people with great character that He can trust to carry out His work on the earth. We are His ambassadors to the world. We are called to carry His message of salvation and hope to a world lost in darkness. You may never know the impact of your warm smile or a simple word of encouragement. God is looking for people who will be light and hope. God is looking for people with integrity of character that He can trust to do His will today.

            I want to encourage you to carefully consider your choices. My pastor often tells our congregation that the way we live our lives matters. Many people are watching your life to see if Jesus makes a difference in your life. How does He affect you? Are you a contagious Christian? Are people hungry for the Jesus they see in you? Do they see Jesus as your Savior and your friend? We are in the season of giving; you have the opportunity of sharing the best gift of “Good News” with the disconnected or disenchanted. You can offer Jesus as Savior, friend, deliverer, healer, forgiver, and life preserver of hope. There are people around you who need to hear this message of love and hope, especially at this time of year with its many challenges. I know God is looking for people like you and me, people of character, to carry His light into the world.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

Wrestlers Indeed

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By Roger Barbee

The baby-faced boy walked past me as I watched the wrestling on Mat 1. As he skirted between me and the action on Mat 1, his headgear with his school’s logo slipped from his hand. An older teammate strode to him.

I was attending a fourteen-team wrestling tournament in Alumni Hall of a Maryland independent school last Saturday. It was the first competition for the new season of 2023-24 and the Hall was packed with wrestlers of all sizes and ages and both sexes, coaches, parents, trainers, host school staff, four mats, officials, and me– all in Alumni Hall.

Folkstyle wrestling in high school has changed since I practiced it over fifty years ago. Yet it is the same. While we never had a tournament with fourteen teams, while we never wore headgear, while we never had wrestling shoes, we did have matches of three two-minute periods, and each wrestler tried to defeat the opposition.

Some fans of sports enjoy comparing today’s athletes with those of the past, but that seems to me like comparing an orange with an apple. They have some likenesses but are two different fruits. I wrestled in the 1960’s much like those boys and girls did in the Hall, but in my opinion any other comparison is fruitless. The wrestlers today, even the average ones, know and can execute and counter so many more moves than those of us who wore tennis shoes for matches and practiced on canvas mats. But there is still one similarity.

While the skill of those boys and girls on Saturday was not that good, their desire and determination was outstanding. Yes, there were wrestling moves that were not executed correctly and countermoves that were, well, just wrong. There were glaring errors in the correct starting positions, and the officials had to “coach” a wrestler more than once. However, those students were on the mats and trying. To paraphrase President Roosevelt from his The Man in the Ring speech, no one outside the ring has a right to criticize he who is in the ring.

As I kept watching, I thought of some great American wrestlers and wondered if Dan Gable or John Smith or Kyle Snyder or so many other great wrestlers ever competed in a tournament like this one. Of course they did because everybody starts somewhere and that is usually by just trying, by being present, and by going on to become better, maybe not great, but just better. To be, as Ohio State’s Coach Tom Ryan says, “Authentic.”

And this: When the older teammate strode to the baby-faced boy who had dropped his  headgear, he showed him how to fasten the headgear chin strap through the lowered shoulder strap of his wrestling singlet to allow it to dangle next to his hip. When the younger boy had done it correctly, the more experienced boy patted him on the shoulder and said, “Now you’re a wrestler.”

A wrestler, indeed.

What I Am Thankful For

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By David Freeze

What I’m thankful for:

Salisbury being designated a national Runner Friendly Community again. First awarded in 2018, Salisbury is one of only 45 cities in the nation to be recognized.

A new pair of running shoes and the excitement each new pair brings. From a guy who is also thankful to have worn out well over 250 pairs.

The opportunity to volunteer. For what volunteers put in, they get a lot more back. Thanks to Rowan Helping Ministries, the United Way, Salvation Army and so many more for providing these opportunities.

Children, God’s treasures and grandchildren, the most delightful and cherished gift ever.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library where Dolly sends each child a book a month and has for over 25 years. The most recent was “Ten Ways to Hear the Snow.” Not just good for kids.

David Whisenant and his years of reporting on local news, betting he will find other ways to make a difference in his retirement.

Newer Salisbury Post columnists like Ashley Miller, along with all the regulars. Mike London for keeping up with all the sports happenings, while mixing in plenty of local history along the way. And Andy Mooney for making the paper look good each day.

All 100 North Carolina county seats visited during 2023 for a better understanding of North Carolina. I still have a list of a dozen or so worth a second visit.

Our list of local races, all benefiting worthy charities. My thanks to all runners and walkers who have participated this year, especially those that got their Thanksgiving Day off to a great start at The Forum’s Butterball 5K with proceeds headed to Prevent Child Abuse Rowan.

The ability to see America by bicycle or on foot and the Post and Elizabeth Cook who decided back in 2013 these ventures were worthy of coverage. All the readers, especially those that thought enough of the adventure to chip in with information and to follow along. Plus all the new friends made along the way.

The South Rowan Y Service Club and their lifetime ice cream support on these cycling adventures.

Christmas parades, good for all ages. I try not to miss one locally and always get to see people I don’t see often enough.

Law enforcement and fire departments all around the surrounding area, and all other first responders, especially those working on Thanksgiving. Our military branches, always ready.

Few regrets! Visualize yourself looking back at the end of your life. What do you wish you would have done? Make plans to go do that! Don’t leave it to would’ve, could’ve and should’ve.

Those who can find focus not on what they have lost but what they still have. We all have loss, but we have no choice but to keep going. Like a bicycle, we have to keep moving to stay balanced.

The Hatman, Charles Sloop, and all the mystery about his hats hanging on the dairy farm fence. Where have the hats and the thoughtful spelled-out sayings gone?

Hebrews 13-3 and all those who love and encourage one another.

My daughters, their husbands, granddaughter, the large group of friends and family I have been blessed with. And most of all, the Lord Thy God who has provided so many other blessings that we all have received. Don’t forget to count and share them today!

God First, Others Second, Me Third

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By Ed Traut

1 Corinthians 10:24 Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.

  • Sometimes we need to be reminded of what really matters in life.
  • We are so much happier and more fulfilled when we focus on others and not on our own need and our own selfish ways.
  • May God give us the ability to always focus on others regardless whether they are Christians or friends.

Prayer:  Change my heart I pray O Lord and fill me with Your ways and Your heart that I can be like You and reflect this caring for others and doing good for others I pray.  I do not want to be concerned about myself.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Wisdom Please

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By Lynna Clark

A few years back, David decided to sell his motorcycle. It just seemed like time. I knew he was sad about it. Except for it, the man’s never had a toy so to speak. Poor guy hardly had Pepsi money for years. Though it was a wise decision, it didn’t feel good.

We decided together that a different “toy” might be a good solution. So he picked out a nice camera in order to take up a different hobby. One of our daughters bought him a book to go with it; Nikon D3400 for Dummies. He was not offended. In fact, one look at the camera told him he needed help.

Quickly he was able to set up his new toy for easy shots. But he knew there was so much more to the camera than that. So he hunkered down for several days in his spare time to study the book. When I asked how it was going he sighed. “I guess I should have gotten the Nikon book for Morons.”

Of course the word moron is pronounced “MO-ron” here in the south. I couldn’t help but laugh.

Like a lot of folks, the older we get the more we realize how little we know. Like why in the world would our bank change the way our online statement and bill-pay looks. Don’t they understand that if it is not broken, they don’t need to fix it? I just now got used to how things work. Then my phone updated and installed a different calculator. I know it sounds small, but I like a running total. I do not want to have to hit equal after every entry. Dang stupid update. Then I got my laptop repaired and that guy installed a different document program. Now spellcheck is gone. Word look up is not there. No dictionary or thesarasus is built in. I probably didn’t even spell thesarasus right. I had no idea how much I used those things until I couldn’t.


I really don’t mind learning things unless it’s forced on me. Maybe that’s why trials are so hard. It feels a bit like being hoisted onto a 3000 pound bull and being told, “All you have to do is stay on.”


So my prayer for today is from Psalm 90:12 and 17:
“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.” And while You’re at it Lord, please “make our efforts successful.”

That’s probably enough to ask for one day… especially when dealing with a couple MOrons.

Thankful for America

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By Ann Farabee

It is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Democracy is a beacon shining from generation to generation, guiding us as we journey through life.

We are the citizens of this great country — the United States of America. We are fathers, mothers, children, students, educators, factory workers, business owners, medical professionals, government workers, bankers, retail workers and more.

How could my writing possibly express my thankfulness for America?

On my own, I do not feel that it can. However, the good news is that America speaks for itself through legacies that have been left behind, and legacies that will be left behind.

We go to the Washington Monument, where George Washington is memorialized as the first president of the United States. He spoke these words,“Let me ask you, sir, when is the time for brave men to exert themselves in the cause of liberty and their country, if not now?”

We go to the Jefferson Memorial, where the statue of Thomas Jefferson takes us to a moment in time where we can almost feel the steps being taken to secure freedom for America, as the Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776.

We go to the Lincoln Memorial, where we stand in awe of this symbol of unity, strength and wisdom, which reminds us of Abraham Lincoln’s legacy of freeing slaves and saving the union. His words still resonate today, “All men are created equal.”

We go to the Arlington National Cemetery, where the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is guarded 24 hours a day. While standing there in respectful silence, we hear and see the changing of the guard, as we honor those who died for our country.

We go to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, where we will feel emotions we did not even realize we had, as we show honor to veterans and the military.

We go to the Capitol, the meeting place of the legislative branch of the federal government. There, we are represented by those we elected, knowing they will support and defend our country through the lens of the laws of America.

We go to the White House, the official residence of our nation’s president, because it is a symbol of our government and its people. We are mesmerized by it, as we begin to grasp the gravity of what it represents.

We go to the Smithsonian Institution. As we walk through, we hear a video of Martin Luther King Jr. saying these words, “I have a dream.” It will remind us that, as Americans, we can all have a dream.

Where do we go from here? We will look back, embracing all that previous generations have done to preserve our democracy. From there, we will continue to go forward. Democracy in our generation and in the generations to come will never cease to be a beacon that shines on us — and through us. It is the land of the free — and the home of the brave. Thank You, God, for allowing us to live in America. It is the land that we love.

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at annfarabee@gmail.com or annfarabee.com.

Read more at: https://www.salisburypost.com/2023/11/25/ann-farabee-thankful-for-america/

Hope and Faith

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By Ashlie Miller

“What Christmas tradition reminds you of hope or faith?” I asked my husband as we drove for another lovely Thanksgiving meal. As a boy, he spent the night with his Mamaw Miller after Thanksgiving dinner to help decorate the Christmas tree. This was the beginning of the Christmas season for him and likely for many readers growing up.

Then, there was the inquiry from parents and grandparents, “What is it you really hope will be under the Christmas tree?” Things were getting serious now! Our hopes were in seeing our joys fulfilled. Adults intended to fulfill our deepest, yet most affordable, Christmas wishes! They, too, had hopes – those of delighting and bestowing joy on us. That was enough to bring them joy. Hope and waiting hold hands, don’t they?

Psalm 130:5: “I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope.”

This first week of Advent, we contemplate hope and faith. Yes, there may be temporal, earthly things we are waiting for beyond simple material gifts. It could be certainty about direction, healing for a loved one, or provision for needs. I believe God allows the human heart to experience these longings and hopes to point to a greater hope that the Christian has – the return of the Savior and His setting things right on earth and in heaven – the perfecting of brokenness. 

Waiting is difficult. Just ask my 6-year-old, who, even as I am typing this, is asking and pleading, “Is today the day you will get down my small Christmas tree?” We can wait with hope because of the beautiful gift of faith. God’s faithfulness to Israelites in the Old Testament helped them believe He would fulfill His covenants and promises. His faithfulness and personal involvement in our lives assures us of what we hope for according to His will. We can silence the lies of “Does God care? Does He see and know my hopes?” by reading His Word – the very breath of God whispering to our hurting hearts or shouting down our doubts. 

In Latin, the word for Advent is “adventus” meaning “coming.” Though we may think Advent points only to a newborn babe in a manger, upon second glance, today’s Advent anticipates the arrival of The Just and Righteous Judge and King. Because God has been faithful and cannot deny His character, we can fully trust with confidence that He will complete the plan He began. 

What about you? What traditions fill you with hope and faith during the holiday season? I encourage you to ask that question of others this first week of Advent. What are you anticipating? Share your memories and traditions with younger friends and your hopes with confidants who care. 

One more verse as we approach the remaining themes for Advent: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” – Romans 15:13

Preparing for Christmas

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By Doug Creamer

            It is always nice to have a few days off, even when one is semi-retired. The holidays are a busy time and there is always more to do than time to get it all done. The couple of days off last week were welcome. The list to get done was longer than I cared to complete. But I was grateful for the time to chip away at the things that needed my attention.

            I am not sure how fall slipped away so quickly. There always seem to be leaves that need to be collected. I hadn’t planted the pansies and violas yet, so I went to the garden center on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and got the best ones I could find so late in the season. They are an interesting mix of colors and over the long weekend I found the time to get them out. We like the joy they offer through the long winter season.

            It was a strange combination of outside activities over the weekend. I planted the flowers and worked on putting up the outside Christmas lights and decorations. Our street is festive; most of my neighbors put out some Christmas decorations. We try to get things up sometime over the Thanksgiving weekend. It felt crazy doing both of those things over the weekend.  

            I spread out the decorating over several afternoons. I don’t have a yard that screams Christmas. I just tend to work on other things at the same time. The afternoons fill up quickly, especially with the shorter days.

            Thanksgiving weekend ended up being busy doing some outside work and getting the outside looking like Christmas. We haven’t started working on setting our tree up or decorating inside the house yet. Preparation can be lots of work.

            There is so much preparation that goes into the holidays. I won’t list all the things that have to get done because that can be overwhelming to see in print. But each of us will chip away at the long list of things that need doing before the big day. The question that floats around in my mind is will we do the preparation necessary to get our hearts ready to receive the Christ child? It is so easy to be distracted by all that HAS to happen that we can sometimes forget or miss the significance of celebrating Christmas.

            Sometimes Jesus can get lost in all the decorating, Christmas shopping, and food preparation. It’s not that we mean to leave Him out of our celebrations. It’s simply that we allow other things to press in. So here we are, finding ourselves at the beginning of the holiday season and the opportunity to prepare our hearts for the real meaning of the season.

            How do you prepare? How do you keep your focus on Him? I think one place to begin is reading. Obviously, it is good to read the various accounts written in scripture about the birth of Jesus. Three of the gospels share different aspects of the story that offer ample opportunity for reflection. Take time to meditate on what Mary and Joseph went through in agreeing to be Jesus’ parents. Reflect on their circumstances and how all the details fell into place.

            These are good places to begin. There are many books and devotionals for this season that can help focus your heart and mind. Go beyond the reading and think about what it was like to live in that day and time. Imagine yourself meeting the family.

            I have already suggested the need for reflection and mediation, now allow your thoughts to lead you into thanksgiving and praise for all that Jesus accomplished coming to earth for us. Allow your heart to express your gratitude for all that He has done. Allow your thanks and praise to guide you as you pray for family and friends during this holiday season.

            I want to encourage you to commit to yourself that you will spend some quiet time with Jesus this holiday season. Allow His presence to fill your heart so you can receive the Christ of Christmas. Preparing yourself as we approach the day will make your heart ready. Truthfully, we all need to work to be ready, not only for Christmas but for His return. Many believe that His return is imminent. Many people missed His first coming in Bethlehem even though there were signs pointing to His arrival. I hope we are all ready for His second coming because there are signs pointing to it. It’s time to prepare for Christmas and the second coming. Are you ready?

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

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